Hello Guardians,
If you are inexperienced, and want to do raid, feel free to msg me. We will be doing a raid at 3PM UTC and 6pm UTC. You don't have to have experience and you don't have to have 300+ light. The only requirements are:
- Be at least 285 light level.
- Be patient.
- Be a good listener.
- If you don't understand something simply ask.
- Be helpful to other in fire team,
- Don't panic when you or anybody else make mistake.
- Once you are experienced help other inexperienced guardians.
- Have a good sniper rifle, you can't reach bosses with shotguns.
- [b]UPDATE[/b]: Please send msg on xbox live, as too many people are posting their own raid ads here, so its difficult.
[b]UPDATE:[/b] We did one successful raid yesterday, although we planned to do 2 raids to accomodate all people. Specially people in US timezone. Those who have sent me msgs on xbox, kindly check ur inbox and respond back as soon as you can.
Note: If you are below light level 285, and need help, I can tell you what you should do to reach light level 285, so you can raid with us next time.
Oryx CP 291+ High impact sniper required. Msg Toothless1306 for inv.
LL 286 Titan inv EstCarnevil
need 2 for war priest gt Mr Kamaji
Edited by ewalk jeff: 10/19/2015 10:02:47 PM300 hunter looking for fresh run have ran before just looking for some fragments :)
I'm looking for a fresh raid. i'm experienced light lvl if 304 i'm a warlock Gt Lutic Zen
Need three for war priest cp. Message gt for invite
lfg from warpriest 297 hunter xb1 gt muggzym187
i avent done the new raid and looking forward a fireteam for kings fall add gt Gasdem
Need 2 for Daughters. Got new players so please no ragers, piss takers. msg for inv, gt same. 290+
Need 2 for nightfall lvl 295+ gt FumingWand4256
302 Titan have oryx cp
300+ Orx cp must have emblem
Need team at war priest cp. Please have a mic and a good sniper. Message gt above for invite 290+.
298 Titan LFG I have low experience.
297 warlock Have daughters cp My first time through but I know what to do just need 5 more to get this done with GT is same as above
Free to help anyone do a raid I am 295 and have very little experience message or invite if you need help
Message SlunGun I'm a 295 hunter need help with raid
Look8ng for fresh run, lvl 283 warlock for the beginning, 304 titan for the ending. Have touch of malice
Edited by AutumnWind3318: 10/19/2015 9:21:34 PMSo here is the deal my friend and i have never done the raid. We dont have mics but we lnow generally how it works. 294 Hunter and Titan. If anyone wants to do it with us msg gt above for invite or if you need 2 people invite us. We would appreciate it.
Edited by ThisGuy360: 10/19/2015 9:20:37 PM295 warlock looking for a group my first time doing the raid Gt: ThisGuy360
291 hunter experienced got mic gt berkeleyboi
Need one at totems 295 light+ (preferably titan) msg @ x Sevynn x for invite
Looking for kings fall any part 307 Titan with malice and spindle Inv me
Need on send message to gt above
Need four for fresh run Level 295+ and know what your doing JVOLLMER25
Level 296 Titan looking for a fresh run. Have done the raid multiple times before. Inv TehFoxyGrandpa if you need 1