Hello Guardians,
If you are inexperienced, and want to do raid, feel free to msg me. We will be doing a raid at 3PM UTC and 6pm UTC. You don't have to have experience and you don't have to have 300+ light. The only requirements are:
- Be at least 285 light level.
- Be patient.
- Be a good listener.
- If you don't understand something simply ask.
- Be helpful to other in fire team,
- Don't panic when you or anybody else make mistake.
- Once you are experienced help other inexperienced guardians.
- Have a good sniper rifle, you can't reach bosses with shotguns.
- [b]UPDATE[/b]: Please send msg on xbox live, as too many people are posting their own raid ads here, so its difficult.
[b]UPDATE:[/b] We did one successful raid yesterday, although we planned to do 2 raids to accomodate all people. Specially people in US timezone. Those who have sent me msgs on xbox, kindly check ur inbox and respond back as soon as you can.
Note: If you are below light level 285, and need help, I can tell you what you should do to reach light level 285, so you can raid with us next time.
293 warlock looking for a fresh run. Message or invite grindyfan4988
Starting fresh raid need 3 people who know what to do. 300 light level minimum GT- Azzaa Eu
Xb1 need 4 Fresh start kings fall hoping to complete message xxG3T OWNED96xx for inv Need either spindle or touch 300 +
Elite 306 light Warlock Looking for new inexperienced or patient raiders to run kingsfall with. GT is my forum name.
308 Titan looking for a 300+ group doing fresh runs gt as above
Trying to make a team for Friday hard raid want a team tht I can do the raid with ever week n nightfall n other suff etc: Must b over 18 (only just started making) Join my Clan it's called the Hazy Rage!! https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1316245 (no requirement need) I have 3 characters aswell U must b over 305 n have a mic n on most of the time. Looking for people tht lives in the Uk If ur interested send me a message and join my Clan it's called Hazy Rage G.T ^^
292 hunter not done the raid yet Xbox gt same as above
Looking to run a fresh kings fall. Looking to join join my group
292 titan know whole raid have black spindle / raid weapons message on xbox
299 hunter w/ mic looking for fresh raid Gt: Fearless Mutiny
Looking to run a fresh kings fall. Looking to join join my group
Need 3 for fresh. Must be experienced and have good gear. Message me on Xbox for invite.
2 Inexperienced hunters looking to make a 6 man to do regular raids some experience would benefit but not essential as we plan to grind intil we complete message bluhclut xbox one
303 titan with Touch of Malice looking for fresh
Looking for 3 for fresh raid, looking for 300+ we've done raid numerous times! Message King Noplis
299 hunter w/ mic looking for fresh raid Gt: Fearless Mutiny
Xb1 need 2 I'm doing fresh kings fall hoping to complete message xxG3T OWNED96xx for inv Need either spindle or touch 300 +
295 hunter with exp just want to play with chill people inv BUTCHER 1BMF
Edited by Fearless Mutiny: 10/20/2015 3:11:03 PM299 hunter w/ mic looking for fresh raid Gt: Fearless Mutiny
Need 1 at Glyph CP Message Skidd McMarx
Willing to help anyone message PALLYTHEGAMER for invite
298 titan looking to run raid for first time. Gt same as username.
296 hunter. I have oryx cp. Need a team :)
Willing to help anyone message PALLYTHEGAMER for invite
I'm 292 Titan Second character, I've completed the raid 6 times on my hunter. Quite experienced. 310 weapons. Gamertag frootboots Send invite Looking for fresh run!