Hello Guardians,
If you are inexperienced, and want to do raid, feel free to msg me. We will be doing a raid at 3PM UTC and 6pm UTC. You don't have to have experience and you don't have to have 300+ light. The only requirements are:
- Be at least 285 light level.
- Be patient.
- Be a good listener.
- If you don't understand something simply ask.
- Be helpful to other in fire team,
- Don't panic when you or anybody else make mistake.
- Once you are experienced help other inexperienced guardians.
- Have a good sniper rifle, you can't reach bosses with shotguns.
- [b]UPDATE[/b]: Please send msg on xbox live, as too many people are posting their own raid ads here, so its difficult.
[b]UPDATE:[/b] We did one successful raid yesterday, although we planned to do 2 raids to accomodate all people. Specially people in US timezone. Those who have sent me msgs on xbox, kindly check ur inbox and respond back as soon as you can.
Note: If you are below light level 285, and need help, I can tell you what you should do to reach light level 285, so you can raid with us next time.
301 experienced hunter looking for fresh raid group plz message on xbox one GT: Rufio XVII
Need 2 for golgroth cp message: cruelcactus697 :for invite
Can a fellow guardian share an Atheon Checkpoint for me and my fireteam? Xbox One GT the same.
Looking for a atheon cp or a raid group. Send BaneofallFools an inv lvl 305 titan
Need [b]2[/b] for [b]Fresh[/b] (Normal) Kings Fall Must be 295+ [b][u]w/ experience[/u][/b] MSG me on XBox One for invite GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b]
Looking for 2 more for raid must have 300+ light
I am looking for a raid group. First time since I don't play with a group so I am normally soloing everything. I am Titan lvl 40 290 light, please msg me if you have room. I am on PST.
GT:GreatCalf870900 looking for any raid group at any cp have killed some bosses, my might is 295 and have a mic
297 hunter looking for fresh. Got mic and exp. Invite me, gt same
Edited by Flayed Oni: 10/20/2015 7:05:09 PM(Canceled)
Need 2 for fresh raid send type and light lvl in message on Xbox Get: BL00DDDRIVE
Need 2 for fresh run message: cruelcactus697 :for invite
need 1 person for 0ryx already at a checkpoint. hit me up. gt Papi Cuervo
need 1 for raid 295+ msg crogmeister
Need 2 for fresh run message: cruelcactus697 :for invite
298 Warlock lfg gt same as above
need 2 more for fresh run 295+ gt same as above
Fresh raid looking for 3. Message above
Looking to do fresh run. Gt same as above
Need one more for warpriest plz be experienced msg info in game GT same as above
Looking for one at oryx gt the same hmu
Hunter level 40 light level 304 would like to join a team who is doing oryx cp.looking for chilled relaxed team.I have a mic,my game tag Awoken Elf.i know what to do on oryx.
Need 5 for vault of glass fress
Looking for 3 people to help with the raid from fresh start. I have already done the raid, but want to help my brother and his missus as they haven't done the raid yet. My warlock is 301 and my GT is the same as my name.
Titan 298 looking for fresh run invite please Gt minett
Light 286 Titan. Inv EstCarnevil