Just another OP thing that the Hunters have. You could be 100 ft in the air and it still burns you to death. The linger last longer than Thorn did.
I wish Warlocks and Titan had a grenade burn that lasted forever. Totally not fair
Hunter is such a scrub friendly class
bungie, please nerf voidwall.
Wait what? Sort yourself out man void hunters have the worst grenades for any class.
Waaaaah waaaaah oh my god shut up! I'm sick of nerfs!
With those never ending burn grenades warlocks have HAH! I wish my hunters nades were that good.
You guys have fire bolt grenades
OP has about 70 days playing time in game and god knows how much time spent on this forum. [spoiler]OP is fgt and needs to do something with his life[/spoiler]
I'd actually like Bungie to nerf everybody else's controller so they don't shoot at me and i can win. Thaaaaaanks
Muted Reason: pathetic try to troll with a satire post.