[url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-M0glqJo9714/Uslxcrr3WII/AAAAAAAACc8/n6QA34Bwx9s/s1600/cool-short-curly-hair-styles-for-men.jpg]Try this for when it's shorter [/url]and [url=http://www.glamour.com/images/entertainment/2013/05/andrew-garfield-main.jpg]this for when it's a bit longer[/url]. But yes, and issue with shorter hairstyles is that they tend to have to stay short or they don't work. Just find out what looks best on you with some practise. When my hair gets longer, [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BIdf4oyCMAEa45z.jpg]it does this sort of thing[/url]. As you can see, it doesn't get really curly, just really wave to make it look curly. When it's shorter, though, It just go for a sort of sticky-upy look, if that makes sense.
Those don't look half bad 0.0 It's not really that curly though, it's sorta curly and wavy at the same time if that makes any sense?
It does, but both work for that sort of hair-type, too. I wish I could say there are a ton of no-effort styles that are available to everyone, but that's unfortunately not that case. Some hair-types, mine included can have a good-looking effortless style if things work out when it dries, but is not something I want to always reply on, especially since it's only when my hair is at a certain length.