Titans are the strongest class in terms of physical strength. Can hunters and warlocks bench press cars? Can they punch someone with the force of getting hit by a wrecking ball? Can they break a reinforced concrete wall with a punch? No they can't. Only Titans can do those things. Sure warlocks can throw a supernova from their hands and hunters can fire a bolt of pure sunlight. But their physical strength is nowhere on par with a Titan's. Go ahead prove me wrong, make a logical argument on how hunters and warlocks can bench press cars. Lemme give you a hint, they can't!
Edit: this is me right now http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/732/170/796.jpg
The point is the classes each have their own roles respectively Titans are the army, the protectors Warlocks supply the knowledge and understand the enemies to reinforce hunters and Titans with the know how on to take down the enemies Hunters gather Intel so the city knows what it's up against. Strength wise yeah a titan will win an arm wrestle March Warlocks will pass the math final Hunters will be ninjas