Titans are the strongest class in terms of physical strength. Can hunters and warlocks bench press cars? Can they punch someone with the force of getting hit by a wrecking ball? Can they break a reinforced concrete wall with a punch? No they can't. Only Titans can do those things. Sure warlocks can throw a supernova from their hands and hunters can fire a bolt of pure sunlight. But their physical strength is nowhere on par with a Titan's. Go ahead prove me wrong, make a logical argument on how hunters and warlocks can bench press cars. Lemme give you a hint, they can't!
Edit: this is me right now http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/732/170/796.jpg
Bench press cars? Are you serious? That's if we Titans can actually get close enough to punch a Hunter who can melee with blink strike from a far with speed or a warlock with force push and get a SHIELD! The only Titan melee that is pretty strong is the striker sub class. This is coming from a day 1 Titan you should try being a Titan first before talking smack because clearly you have no knowledge about other classes especially TITANS.