Edited by Understriker888: 10/18/2015 2:03:49 AM*warthog gives left turn signal, does a burnout and the turret spins counterclockwise* I would have lived a say in the matter
Love your new body, Delta?
This is not very oper- *Turret starts firing as the Warthog backs up*
Oh, you have got to be kidding me! *connects to Delta and download Delta in my AI Chip*
Thank you Alpha
It's all okay, buddy.
How did you even get this body anyways
[quote]How did you even get this body anyways[/quote] I have him lopez 2.0's body.
So I see you have properly disabled the Spanish speaking hard drive.
[quote]So I see you have properly disabled the Spanish speaking hard drive.[/quote] Honestly it wasn't that hard, let's just say that even the smartest freelancer wasn't exactly a mechanic....
You are a freelancer? Uploading database Uploading database Uploading database Requiring visual confirmation Visual confirmation scanning Freelancer Status: Unknown Afflictions: Unknown Allies: Sarge Enemies: Unknown Last location: Unknown
[quote]You are a freelancer? Uploading database Uploading database Uploading database Requiring visual confirmation Visual confirmation scanning Freelancer Status: Unknown Afflictions: Unknown Allies: Sarge Enemies: Unknown Last location: Unknown[/quote] Never said I was a freelancer, I was implying that even agent Washington couldn't even fix Lopez.
Agent Washington? Haven't heard from him since the crash.
Hard to explain.
Fair enough