Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
299 lock looking to do golgoroth cp. have exp up to him haven't done daughters or oryx. Inv logrey bawls
Starting at plates before the first boss..need 1 person ..just send me a msg to my gamer tag's the same as above
I'm always looking to help! 285 hunter GT: OTS MARGIELA
299 warlock looking for warpriest
Hello all. Looking for 1 members to join us at the golgorath checkpoint. I am experienced but, it's my brothers first time. If you're interested in joining us feel free to do so.
3 open slots, all are welcome fresh start at least lvl 290
2 open slots left for anyone who is interested. Looking to run raid for the first time.
Edited by SSM2G7L: 10/18/2015 6:03:01 PM294 night stalker pls send invite Gt: fiftyfiv3
Sisters cp need 5 gt is Gabe greatman
Need 5 for the Kings fall raid. I am at the sisters and I need people who are experienced and have a mic. My gamer tag is my name on here. Message me so we can get this done quick.
Oryx cp never done it 296 hunter
Hello all. Looking for 1 members to join us at the war priest checkpoint. I am experienced but, it's my brothers first time. If you're interested in joining us feel free to do so.
Have oryx cp never done it looking to learn 296 hunter
I am looking to do the daughters cp 296 hunter TweakyAngel is gt
Oryx cp never done it before could use some help 296 hunter
303 Titan looking to help out with fresh raid. GT GREENSCATPACK Don't mind teaching first timers. No kids.
Need 1 guys for a fresh run must have the following Mic 300+light lvl 300+sniper or touch of malus BEATEN THE RAID BEFORE if you don't have all of the following don't message GT above
293 warlock mature player looking for fresh run plz inv
296 hunter looking for fresh run but i have oryx cp i have yet to do it but i learn wuick
Level 309 experienced hunter willing to carry and help viewers through the raid.
Need 5 for fresh start, message me at Tobii OG
Need two for fresh run gt same as above message for invite
Titan 294 looking for a raid grp to raid King's fall for the first time ;-) help me
I Have yet to do the raid but I know what to do for most parts, looking to put together a team, msg me GT is as above, plz at least be light 290 but other than that no other requirements.
Level 309 hunter willing to carry and help viewers through the raid. lets get my twitch channel out there! :)
Lvl 40/297 hunter recruiting 5 that have completed it before, i have war priest check point msg XxSTxXHav3n