Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
Need 2 more fresh run
Me and my brother looking for a group, a 289 warlock and a 305 warlock. Its his first time through, just looking for kind helpful group who can be patient. Just message me please
297 hunter lf daughters or oryx. Gt same
Need 3 more fresh run
296hunter for kf raid exp up till daughters inv gt above
need three for fresh run
Daughters cp. Need 5. Message on xbone for invite. I'm 297 warlock. Please be 295+ I have NOT done oryx before so need a team that's willing to help a fellow guardian!
Level 309 hunter willing to carry and help viewers through the raid.
Need 5 more people that know what to do and must be 300+ fresh run message violentpillow
Got 3 295+ people in my group looking for help doing the raid for first time if anyone is will to help msg oldschool 2
Need 4 fresh run
Black Marble warlock lite 300 looking for King's fall fresh run
298 warlock looking for warpriest
Need 5 for a fresh run. I am a hunter with a light level of 296. I have NOT completed the raid before so please don't be to hard on me if i cant seem to get past a certain point in the raid. If you're interested just send a message and I'll invite you. GT: Kb Ramirez817.
293 hunter Of fresh start 1st time Msg gamer tag above
Need 1 for sisters GT same
296hunter for kf exp up till daughters
Lv 296 warlock lv 295 titan lv 295 hunter looking tomo do raid for first time looking for some ppl to help we listen well to instructions trying to get raid experience msg gt oldschool 2
Edited by bass master2964: 10/18/2015 6:18:49 PM302 hunter with Daughters cp need 5 GT same as above
Need 1 experienced for oryx cp. Msg timmyp12 for inv
Fresh run. All 290+ welcome. Msg for invite gt as above
Doing fresh run need 4
Need 2 more for oryx gamertag same must know what doing message for invite thanks!?!?!
298 warlock looking for oryx invite cadeames928
Sisters Cp but don't know how to do it. Need 5 and I don't have mic but will listen. 293 light message homewardagate31 for invite
299 lock looking to do golgoroth cp. have exp up to him haven't done daughters or oryx. Inv logrey bawls