Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
oryx cp need 1 gt Mr Kamaji
First time doing the raid titan 297-299 light unfortunately my mic is broken but ive been wanting to do the raid gt above
3 at sisters we have 2 touch of malices'...GT ZESTY ANTEATER
306 Titan. Have experience, message if you want my help!
Need 4 for fresh run Gt: Noble 1715
first time french lvl 294 gt is name
Looking to do the raid! First time lol idgaf! Good player, invite me if you guys need help!
need 4 for fresh run please only people who know what to do message PotatoOlympics
2 more for fresh run guys
Need 3 more fresh run noobs can anybody help
291titan looking for raid gt same as above
297 hunter lf daughters. Have mic and exp. Willing to help. Gt same
Need 1 for deathsingers
fresh run me and my mate will run it
I can help I'm only 290 but I have experience with the raid. My mic is broken tho. I'm Xbox one GOLDJ100
Looking for 4 fresh run ... Doing it with a mate he's never done it looking for a laugh and to burst the raid Gt PITBLADO message for invite thanks ^_^
Need 4 for. War priest
Need . Cp at right before war priest
need 1 at podiums
Looking to kill oryx but will do a fresh raid. Lobby just need to chill gt natlus79 light 298.
Need 4 for deathsingers
Need 1 for cp before war priest
im going to help the next raid team to invite me. im a 306-307 w/ TOM. just helping out right now so hurry and invite me!!!
303 Hunter. Looking for war priest CP. Looking for a chill lobby.
Looking for group at 2 daughters, have mic, 296 warlock. Gamer tag ii shiftyy
Need people for deathsinger cp lvl 300+ with experience and a high damage sniper or touch of mallace gt FumingWand4256