Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
need 1 more for oryx cp gt kai360flame
281 Titan and 290 Hunter Xwillyx1269x and Fishboy509 We have both beaten the raid. looking for a fresh start
302 wrlk looking for oryx cp. Gt same send invite
Need 3 for fresh run experienced and 300 up only message for invite
Need 1 more for oryx cp. Message SVGL Vyper for invite.
Need 4 Oryx cp msg on xbox
Need 3 300+ light for fresh run (need to know wut to do) msge me gt-Djgrooveteck
Need 4 at oryx must be 300+ 310 malace
Lvl 40 219 titan
I'm light lvl 292 and I want to try for the first time. I've watched videos so I know what to do. Inv me. GT: The Only Move
On KF CP at golgeroth need 5 people
Clan recruitment! Looking for 5 or so people to join our clan! We don't have too many requirements just that you play often, are friendly and willing to help clan mates get their stuff done! We are all heavy in to endgame right now since it is still new. We run 10+ raids a week, we have at least one team that's gonna jump right in hard mode when it drops and will have multiple teams running that night. We have 25 members and usually 15+ on at any given time with people always on standby to help you finish your weekly grind. We have our pvp legends also (I am not one of them so don't judge by my stats) they can help you get to the lighthouse or grind out that last rank IB. Looking for players 20+ but we do make exceptions for mature players below that age line. Msg "SoA man bun" on Xbox1 or reply below for more info!
Need 3 300+ light for fresh run (need to know wut to do) msge me gt-Djgrooveteck
Need one at oryx pst
I'm at the part right before the daughters . Need 5 message FELIXEATSLSD on the one for inv.
283 but I know what to do. Gt: DefintionOfMe
308 Titan with spindle and malice. Looking to help raid groups, already completed raid 3 times this week. -raid completed: 12 times -effective raid leader if one is needed -Canadian Invite "xX Kanuck Xx"
Need three to do a fresh run 295+ light Message le fluffy711 for Invt
Need one more for sisters
Need 4 for oryx cp
281 Titan and 290 Hunter Xwillyx1269x fishboy509 We have both beat the raid and my titans bubble is maxed
Need four for oryx cp 295+ have a first timer so bring some patience
Gt: Sexypanda234, oryx cp, xbone, need 3
2 more for raid at oryx message kai360flame for invite
Need 2 Fresh start Exp not required Light level 290+
starting up a fresh run have 2 spots left gt the same message me for invite