Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
Need 2 for oryx. Message killing gnome for inv
Elite 304 Warlock joining any checkpoint. Just helping people out
need 1 more for oryx message -High way 9- for invite
Looking to Raid Warlock: Light level 300 Gamertag :Chango Airborne Feel Free to message me/ Invite me
I have oryx checkpoint looking for a team to finish. GT same as above must be expieranced
Lvl 290 Titan W/ working mic gt, Half Past Tim
need 4 lvl 300+ for fresh start must know what your doing our you get dropped send msg above for inv
307 hunter willing to help any team at any checkpoint. Don't really care about light level. I have malice/spindle/celestial nighthawk/etc. [b][i][u]All I ask is you have 5 people ready before you invite me. I will leave if that condition is not met.[/u][/i][/b] Gamertag is same, invite me on xbox
LFG, any CP. message me
307 hunter willing to help any team at any checkpoint. Don't really care about light level. I have malice/spindle/celestial nighthawk/etc. [b][i][u]All I ask is you have 5 people ready before you invite me. I will leave if that condition is not met.[/u][/i][/b] Gamertag is same, invite me on xbox
Lvl 290 Titan w. Mic ready for king's fall. Invite GT Shankmeister86
Level 303 warlock and 300 hunter with oryx checkpoint. Looking for some people to help us out. I have beat it once and the hunter has not beaten it yet. Any help would be appreciated. Message GT orangeleader398 for invite or if you have 4 and need two send us an invite.
307 looking for fresh run. Buddy with me. Inv ii caharin ii
2looking for fresh run. Inv ii caharin ii
Edited by Kaspr: 10/19/2015 3:11:16 AMNeed 4 for fresh run Msg gt above 4 inv 290+
Need 5 for daughters must be 300+ msg megaweniemonday
Need 1 msg ASSANATOR18563
[quote]Need 3 fresh kings fall must -know fights -be 295 -have sniper -know how to be torn
Attention Guardians, I'm looking for guardians with a power level of over 9,000(300+) this is a Daughters of Oryx checkpoint. You need to already know the strategy for defeating Oryx, as well as all other raid bosses in order to be accepted into the raid team. We need clear communication, high dps weapons, coordination & no quitters in order to defeat The Taken King. If you're going to surrender, then do not step to the battlefield. We fight until we win. If you can meet all the standards I require, reach Apex Trilogy x. We shall triumph Guardians
299 Nightstalker with another 296 exp nightstalker looking for fresh group. GT: UFatBrahh
Looking for 3 for kings fall raid. (: 300+ light if possible. Please have beaten the raid before. Starting at the Daughters of Oryx. Message "iSephiroth v" for invite.
Level 295 Titan looking for fresh kf. Will be my first time but I can hold my own. Gt same as above
Need two for fresh msg ASSANATOR18563
Warlock, 294 and has experience from beginning to warpriest and oryx my GT is my username
have only 2 need some for fresh run, message t00thless18 if you want to help out
need people for death singers cp invite same gt