Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
Light level 279 Titan Looking for a fresh run I have no experience on this raid but I'm looking for a team who could help me out I have a shot ton of experience on the other raids!!! Gt: A Jordan JunkLe
MAZE CHECKPOINT 305 titan need 4, running with a friend who hasn't done it before so have patience pls
Need 5 for oryx cp inv silentkillah888
Light level 297 looking for group to help me with this raid
Need 1 for Oryx Msg: Knowledge is
Titan 290 w/ working mic gt Half Past Tim
Need 3 for Maze / Golgroth. I experienced 302 loc, 2 others are on first run. Join if you have a little patience. I know what I'm doing - trying to help these guys. Message clumzyzulu for inv
Need 1 for oryx. Gt same as above. Average fireteam light 302
Need 1 for daughters cp 295+ light Must be experienced Must have good sniper Mic is a must Going for fast run Gt is same
Need 1 for warpriest cp msg for inv, gt above
Light 305 Warlock Experienced + Emblem Looking To Defeat Hideous Sisters GT: BKSinTv
Need two to help with golgoroth message bballhead for invite
Need on more person for raid CP: killing ORYX message for invite GT: Eon Stealth
298 hunter with sleeper, 305 sniper, have sisters CP but have not gone farther then this message TrumanBlvck
Level 298 looking for oryx checkpoint Please inv Gamertag same as above
Edited by PrinceBobbyLee: 10/19/2015 4:44:09 AMNeed for 4 oryx cp Gt: above
Need one for gol 295+
294 Titan first time on this raid looking for team
I need 1 person to help me with the final boss for the touch of malice. Msg me for inv.
297 hunter . Invite
297 Titan LF fresh run. Invite gt: kaos68
298 titan still needing a little help. Have beaten golgoroth before but not daughters. Any help would be appreciated
305 hunter looking to beat oryx again !
293 titan first timer raider looking for team
need three for sisters and oryx. We've done the raid up until this point..need help GT: Herb Buchanon
Xomegaxninja 284 titan. Haven't gotten to do kings fall yet. Looking for fresh run.