Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
Need fresh run 295 hunter KSI Benjie
Looking for 3 for kings fall at the glyph 300+ and experience would be nice fot a couple freshys
Need 3 for sisters message banishednikkas
295 hunter need fresh KSI Benjie
Need 2 more for daughters CP, knowing how to do Oryx would be good and please NO Kinect chat and mist be friendly as were a good nice talky team Message my GT which is my name.
Need 3 at golgoroth
295 hunter looking to run a fresh raid
Lf 3 for sisters cp
looking to do raid first time xbox 1 gt same as above inv me
Titan 293 looking for a team to run the raid with..never done it tho. Gt xrated619
need 2 for nightfall maniac chees inv or msg
Looking for raid team warlock gt fragtrap010 with golgoroth cp or need 5 for raid
*293 Light Lvl. Warlock Looking for 3 more for a KiNGS FALL [ORYX CP] -I've done the raid several times, >new character< Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE]
294 warlock looking for golgoroth cp. Have done the raid except finishing oryx. Inv me gt as above
Lvl 290 Titan Fresh Run preferred Working Mic Gt: Half Past Tim
307 hunter with touch of malice looking to run raid from the start. Beaten raid many times before, experienced teams preferred. Message CovenantHybrid
Looking for a group to do fresh run . 297 Titan messege skeetskeet19
Edited by RedmanJah: 10/19/2015 8:45:12 AMMSG or INV RedmanJah, looking to work with anyone doing a fresh run. Need the Warpriest and would like to start at the beginning to get some Calcified Fragments. Have the Black Spindle and the Sleeper Stimulant.
297 Titan looking to do fresh run . Gt : skeetskeet19
Have oryx cp need 5 peeps help because I've never done it before 301 Titan gt same as above
Lvl 290 Titan w/ working mic gt Half Past Tim
Edited by Yung Wolfo: 10/19/2015 8:38:58 AMLight Lv 294 warlock looking to do any part of the raid for the first time, I have a mic and am not an idiot Gt same as above
Keen on night fall my light it 280, I'm inexperienced but can take instructions easy + have mic. Add me in gt is same as name (hunter) thanks! :)
Need 5 for sisters cp ! :D Message DaGunslinger19 for invite :D 290 + please
Need 4 more experienced players for sisters cp message for inv be 300+
i've oryx CP invit me gt is name lvl 296 NOW WHAT TO DO, and i'm french