Idk where the low exp'ed threads keep going.
Post in this thread if you have little to no experience with Kings Fall, and are tired of every thread requiring you to be 310 light and have served at least two terms as U.S. President.
Some Tips:
-Be coachable
-Try to bring your light up to at least 280.
-Watch a youtube video or two before hand or if you're having trouble on a certain part.
Edit[11/4]: Raid time! I'll be raiding all week, if you need help and see me online swing an invite! Normal or hard, doesn't matter!
Two 290+ warlock and hunter, haven't done the raid looking to learn though
293 warlock at golgoroth cp looking for a team
Lf 2 for oryx cp
Fresh Raid Need 1 300+ Msg xi8o8ix d3vast8
Lvl297 warlock looking for oryx cp
looking for a group at the war priest cp i am a warlock 304 done the raid many times please invite me at vegeta1788
Hunter level 300 need 5 for oryx cp... pls have good enough sniper or t marlice or must have experience and beaten oryx before + know how the mechanics works msg gt as above for invite on xb 1
Looking for a fresh Kings Fall run. Warlock 290. Will be my first time.. Be gentle..
294-295 Hunter looking for Oryx GT: Skillns
Looking to do the raid for the first time. Titan with 297 light Gt: pieter deprez
Hi.. trying to put team together for fresh run... message hippo storm for invite stating at 12pm gmt
looking to raid 1st time 296 warlock xbox one gt same as above
Experienced 295 titan looking for daughters on last character
Lf 1 for sisters cp
Need 1 for sisters cp GT peo71
300 warlock for fresh raid. Send inv gt same. Done it several times
Edited by RedmanJah: 10/19/2015 10:41:04 AMLooking to do fresh run of the King's Fall raid. INV RedmanJah. I would like to get to the Warpriest and find 3 or more Calcified Fragments. I have the Black Spindle and the Sleeper Stimulant! Xbox One
Lv 294 lf fresh run never did the raid gt the same
Edited by Fearless Mutiny: 10/19/2015 10:33:41 AM293 Warlock with mic, looking for fresh start. Gt: Fearless Mutiny
looking to do raid first time 296 warlock xbox one gt same as above
Lvl 298 warlock done the raid once before looking for fresh run invite me IF I 3 L D
im yet to try the raid so if your still looking for people to do it with, send me an invite or something
299 hunter, exo sword, 300 1000 yard stare. Looking for fresh start. Send invite please!
Looking for fresh run... 297 light no bits here and there...
298 warlock have done some and know most of the other parts. Inv Radefa1k
Need fresh run 295 hunter KSI Benjie