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10/17/2015 11:25:59 AM
I'm guessing Year One gear won't be infuseable for a few reasons. There are some perks on year one Armor that cannot be rolled anymore, aside from on certain exotics. A great example of this would be Special Weapon Loader on Arms, which was a very, VERY good perk. There was also the overall increased Heavy Ammo on legendary boots, which now is only obtainable on certain exotics. In order to make a majority of the old armor work for infusion, they'd have to go back and re-work every armor piece not to have that perk, replacing it with others still befitting of their status as in some cases, Raid Gear or Prison of Elders armor. It should also be pointed out that new armor has you select between which stat you want high, where as Year One naturally gives you very high amounts of Strength, Discipline, and Intelligence. Not only this, but armor like the new Chest pieces have the 2 new perks that either reduce splash damage for a certain burn, or give you increased armor when using a different subclass with a certain burn. These old pieces of armor don't have perks like that, and since these perks are specific to certain pieces of gear everything would need to be re-worked in order to accommodate the changes they made to Year 2's armor. As for weapons, it comes down to the issue of raw power, perk combinations considered too decent to be let out en mass, and the fact that none of these weapons fit in with the new skill trees, or themes. In terms of power, a majority of the weapons from year one would be out of place. They would be paired against weapons inadvertently worse than them just due to the changes made between year one and year two. These old weapons have also been re-rolled to their absolute perfect state. I myself had a few year one guns that were absolutely monstrous in PVP and PVE content. Bringing these weapons up to date would cause some major issues. There would be anther rise in shotguns with Shot Package on all the old high impact Shotguns from HoW, there would be luck in the chamber snipers pulling their one shot body shot nonsense, and all other kinds of things I wouldn't like to see. Just as a quicker insert, there would also be lots of guns who no longer fit their archetype as there have been stay changes since HoW, like most snipers only holding 4 bullets, or pulse rifles with much larger mags than what they had in the past. Although it's a weaker point, since people could get some RNG on the current weapons that would compare to older ones, it's still a point. I think the fact that multiple old weapons, namely primaries, had burns, speaks for itself. They want to save weapons with burns for End-Game rewards, the last thing they'd want is people dragging up a good old VoC or FB. As for what I said about the themes, it's the idea that none of these weapons would have any of the new weapon foundations backing them up, making a mass of weapons holding a unique skill tree when they're nothing alike. Not to mention that none of these guns would be able to use the new perks, scopes, or dragons that were developed. Bungee would be sinking resources into a project that couldn't take full advantage of what they had taken so long to develop. Then there's the exotics. My guess here is simply that they want to zone out some of the exotics in the game. They want the community to shift their focus from them. Like Icebreaker. Because of how the gun was designed, they can't really nerf it. They could nerf its stats, and make it near unusable, as it relies on the high impact to trade off for the 6 rounds in a mag until the next 30 seconds pass (I believe). But Imagine a gun that infinitely regenerates it's sniper bullets in the new raid, where you'll have situations like Oryx, who you have to DPS for a short period of time with high impact. Sounds a little too perfect, if you were using icebreaker. There are also guns like Gjallahorn, which, although nerfed, just don't need a comeback. It's still the highest DPS RL out there, from what I can tell, and that's not really what I PERSONALLY want to see, is another wave of those people who won't allow you into their game because you don't have a specific gun (even though it's already started with ToM (which isn't actually as bad because ToM is a quest gun that everyone can obtain without RNG)) I think the most productive solution to this would just be to accept it as a loss, that the time you spent getting those will be some good memories, but not much more. If they ever do offer them up for infusing, then hey, it's fantastic. I just think it would be a little game breaking right now.

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