Because Stormtrance get's shut down very easily.
Whilst people are also too busy wanting a Hammer of Sol nerf, and complaning about Shadowshot glitchers.....
Don't forget the Gunslingers Golden Gun, "I HAVE THE POWE...." *killed by shoulder charge*
Lol, this. There's a reason I don't run Gunslinger anymore. Quiver is pretty much GG with a supression effect and I'm not all glowy while I have my next 2 shots to fire. Sure it does less damage total and won't necessarily kill someone out of a super, but it will hurt them and supress the super
Lol being glowie is awesome. It's like a shader
Yeah, but it also let's everyone know you've got your pew pew going :p It's not a big deal, but I like my bow kills :p
[quote] Stormtrance get's shut down very easily.[/quote] The sad truth. Same goes for Sunsinger. I GOT MY SUPER, HERE WE G- *pew* lol what super?
*chucks Nova Bomb* HA! TAKE THAT YOU PRANCING LITTLE.....oh crap, it missed