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10/17/2015 7:24:50 AM

Shadowshot glitching, Iron Banner and PvP

So the Iron Banner has been going on for days now, and with every bout of PvP Destiny has to offer comes along with its fair share of abuse, griefing, balancing issues (lol Solar Titans & short(?) range canno- I mean shotguns.) This time however we have a new addition to the team, the Shadowshot glitch. Its bad, real bad, and people aren't stupid about it either. It isn't used constantly, it's not even used for long either by the smart ones. They pull it out when their team is losing, take a control point or two and then gently put it away, seemingly trying to hide the deed. With many unaware it even happened. It's under-played by the community as a whole from what I've seen, with few outside of PvPers and forum regulars even aware it exists in the first place. This, along with the wash of non-regular crucible combatants joining the ranks of the Iron Banner puts me in a place where I'm truly afraid of this being overwhelmingly under represented in terms of actual enforcement and ban hammers flying due to the previously mentioned reasons and the smart abuse people have been using. With the most pliable way to know its happening being from audio queues unless you actually see someone doing it in front of you (and your not dead, mashing square to get back in the fight), even those that know about it can miss it due to other sounds from music, a T.V., movie, a family member or even party chat drowning it out (not to mention a surprising amount of people play with the game audio off altogether), it will be under reported by even those keeping an eye out for it. The fear to me is real, as I really want to enjoy PvP, the Iron Banner and the now postponed Trails of Osiris (due apparently primarily to this glitch.) My rage meter for 'To heck with PvP, it's way too broken' many suffer from, due to the usual issues surrounding the PvP scene and the mix of attention, and utter lack thereof (shotguns haven't been addressed yet, despite the 'nerfs') was already at it's breaking point. What I really want is firm assurance from Bungie (and real numbers following the resolution) that the apparrent massive amount of meta-data they have on the game will allow them to hit hard and fast when the issue itself is resolved. Alas, I'm hopeful, but skeptical anything will happen to the vast majority of the abusers.

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