The sunbreaker [b]LITERALLY[/b] is a Goldengun/Bladedancer with a [b]little[/b] less range....
And of course Bungie will [b]never[/b] nerf it because they [b]want[/b] people who don't have King of Taken your 💰to get frustrated and force them to waste their $ on this overpriced DLC.
Seriously pathetic......
Here's the main problem with the super, it's mainly the health regen (for all classes, because both the shield and health bar regen at the same time, effectively preventing you from dying to any form of damage over time) and the damage reduction, this is mainly because blade dancers have their meele range super, and some damage reduction, but if you have something like an LDR 9000, you can still 1 shot headshot them, same thing with any super, ( exotic gear perks are ignored here) but when you have 66% damage reduction, you take away the 1 shot kill reward for getting a headshot on a mobile super and thus reducing your chance of survival. Combine the 66% damage reduction with fairly decent range, health regen and splash damage, people are bound to complain that the super is "op" and frankly they are right, personaly I think that if the damage reduction was reduced to 50% and health regen for all classes was made that your red bar regens first AND THEN the shield starts to regen, then the sun breaker super would be just as balanced as any other super. Currently it's a crutch, and it needs to change. Improve their grenades or something else to make up for the nerf, because the sunbreaker grenades are pretty lackluster.