originally posted in:The FourHorsemen
It looks like we have a bunch of clan members who need kings fall raid plenty who are first timers. We also have a few veterans who are willing to help. If we can get a list of who needs and wants to help and when they are available we can assemble some teams to get this done.
Add your GT , light , class , days and time available and maybe darth or Hane and make a list of teams.
GT Mashenbu
Warlock, Titan, Hunter 300+ each
3-3:30 am EST. almost every night
This weekend only available much earlier ;)
Helper: 300+ on all 3. Weekends late afternoon through the early morning.
HELPER GT: Hanedog86 Titan, Hunter Both pretty much 300+ On mainly through scheduling. Usually 1 full day on the weekend as well.