It's 11:30pm and I'm making eggs. So how do you like yours? I like mine sunny side up and a bit runny slapping it on top of buttered toast. I like to see the yolk drip and soak my toast. Mmmm mmm.
They say you can tell a lot by a person by how they take there eggs. So over easy, hard boiled, or scrambled? The possiblilities are endless.
Warning: This thread will get you craving some eggs. Photos of your egg creation is welcomed. ^_^ [spoiler]I don't think this is a shit post, seems like a legitimate question to me, right? [/spoiler]
Cooked preferably
yolked, like thos nuts
Not blue
I'm better a making eggs. Get gud scub
I hope you like your eggs... Fertilized
yolk thos nuts our leader ⛳
Try butter instead of oil.
Fertilized. ....
Scrambled with bacon and hash browns on the side
Scrambled with cheese
Scrambled with a slice of American cheese and ham make it into an omelet.
Eggs between the legs! Wait, that doesn't make sense🍌
In a super model and not fertilized by my or anyone else's seamen
In the garbage where they belong
Scrambled with lots of cheese
Scrambled master race
Eggs are gross.
Eggs go in cake mix*[spoiler]eggs=cumballs[/spoiler]
On workout days I'll usually have 4-6 eggs scrambled for dinner. Eggs, butter, salt, pepper, when the right technique. The lighter and fluffier, the better but still just a tad runny, perfection
Medium rare
Over easy or scrambled. My scrambled eggs have ham and cheese in them sometimes, it's like a little omelet
Over hard