What was supposed to be a great, action packed, heart stopping, edge of your seat fun in Trials this weekend has been ruined by Hunters and their Shadowshot exploit.
This is not the first time that Hunters have ruined the game and it's PVP experience. This just adds to the growing list of hunters finding ways to break this game for the benefit of themselves.
Blink + Shotgun
Final Round
Blink + TLW
Arcbolt Grenades
Young Akmara's Spine + Swarm Grenades
Mask of the 3rd Man + Hungering Blade
Radiant Dance Machines
Bridge Cheese
Templar Cheese
And so on.
You could point the finger 100% at hunters for the reason the game is in the current state. With weapon nerfs, nerfs on other highly skilled classes such as Warlocks and Titans, and nerfs to consumables, materials and Boss battles such as Skolas.
In PVP, hunters have 3 highly OP classes, including shadow shot and it's ridiculous Range of tether the ability to panic shoot them from a mile away, yet they still complain about other classes. Hunters have become self-centered divas that expect everyone to bow down to them as the master class when in reality, they are the easiest and most noob friendly class in the game. When they see that they are becoming weak, they complain until they get their way. A majority of the complainers on these forums are from Hunters. See for yourselves. A majority of players in PVP are hunters because it's the easiest class to have a high kd in. And it's not because of weapon kills, it can be traced to getting multiple kills with their subclass.
So this weekend will be filled with disappointment because of the delay of Trials due to hunters.
I hope they don't delay Heroic Mode of Kings Fall due to a new Hunter Exploit and can't wait to see the next ridiculously broken tactics they find out for PVP.
I suggest protesting hunters this weekend.
So Thanks again, Hunters.
Stop blaming every little bitch problem you have on hunters
You know what else Hunters caused? The Holocaust.
Thank you profiling douche. For ruining this community. Not all hunters are scum bags
I like how you blame blink shotgun and blink last word on hunters. Warlocks can blink too buddy.
Your welcome I hope I keep ruining ur experience in destiny as a hunter
Can someone please explain to me this shadowshot exploit?
This dude is retarded lmfao. Hunters didnt even have a grenade to push off templar
Did you just blame final round on hunters? What a joke. Also warlocks used solar grenades to push atheon off the edge, Titans have everything that is with HoS which is equivalent to the Bladedancer subclass in its prime. And I laughed even harder when you mentioned the bridge cheese because that is a Warlock glitch as well.(probably more so). Titans also had the infinite hammers glitch they amused, not even to mention that Shoulder charge exists. I could go on but I think I've proved my point.
If a hunter goes into a menu while I'm fighting him he'll be sorry. I am on point with my red death
100% agree. A hubter friend of mine who regularly whines about whatever is supposed to be "OP" (but hunter are never the topic) got a similar rant from me yesterday.
Edited by RedFaceGeneral : 10/16/2015 1:49:34 AM
Git gud ;) [spoiler]I appreciate you [/spoiler]
Shut up, idiot.
Unless this was made in satire u sir are a retard. Blink shotgun u forgetting a warlock could just as easily do this . You wanna talk about cheeseing u remember knocking atheon off the edge with solar grenades . How about titans being able to easily skip the thrall way crotas end all 3 classes able to use sword to skip bridge. Warlocks melee having ridiculous range titans being able to 1 hit you with shoulder charge. Arcbolt grenades really really firebolt could almost kill 3 guardians with 1 hit not to mention u could throw 2 if needs be. U think they have op supers I remember trials bud and 90 percent of people will tell u you knew tryhards when u see em secound 3 warlocks were paired against u u knew u were fighting scrubs who couldn't get tete on skill firebolt plus revive equals a bad time. Honestly tho I've played 3 characters since day 1 guess what I learned all have advantages but when it comes down to it they are all the same. Nothing ever stopped me going flawless on all 3 characters every week and 3 raid completions every week. I never 1ce felt I was handicapped by being a certain class skill shines through bud. Learn your facts be4 u spout your shit seriously man [
Can hunters do this glitch with tether? Sorry I don't know if they can. My friends say they can't so I just want to make sure
The first 3 weren't just hunters btw. Blink + Shotgun Final Round Blink + TLW Arcbolt Grenades Young Akmara's Spine + Swarm Grenades Mask of the 3rd Man + Hungering Blade Radiant Dance Machines Bridge Cheese Templar Cheese And so on.
Jeeeez. I bet you believe we're the ones responsible for the Holocaust as well.
You're a -blam!-ing idiot
Well not all hunters do this. I myself I main a hunter and say and will say that celestial nighthawk is the only thing I will use one shot wonder is the name, nice to meet you
[quote]Hunters have become self-centered divas that expect everyone to bow down to them as the master class[/quote] Had me rolling! Btw I main a hunter but I don't believe in using an exploit to win in a game it's pathetic. Ruining the game for others I was looking forward to trials this weekend.
Nice saltire
I lost brain cells reading this :/ Final round??? Dafuq?
Hard satire. Nice.
Ok there is an #satire So i dont laugh bout that.
Sad bump.