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Edited by Happi sniper: 10/17/2015 8:27:15 PM

*Read Pls* Temporary Trials Fix

Due to the shadow shot glitch trials has been cancelled for the time being, and I know a lot of people are itching for some trials action, so what I'm trying to say is what if Bungie just disable supers in trials until they fix the glitch. I think this would make trials even more competitive and it will make a lot of people satisfied. Bump for Bungie to see and spread the word Edit: lets get this trending before trials releases l Edit 2: I understand that its a bit too late for me to be saying this cause there wouldn't be enough time for bungie to announce this, but might as well try Edit 3: Even if it doesn't happen i hope bungie will implement this idea of no supers in trials so it could all be pure gun skill Edit 4: Receiving a lot of positive feedback thx guys keep it up so Cozmo or Deej can see Edit 5: Instead of disabling supers what if bungie can just disable quiver. I really just want to play trials tomorrow lol. Edit 6: Were trending bois!

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  • I think their options were 1) Let trials go on and piss off everybody as their flawless trial run ends with a squad of 3 hunters abusing the hell out of the bug. 2) Try to come up with a quick code fix and do very limited testing and push it out to everybody and hope you don't bust anything else. 3) Fix the bug and do proper testing and delay trials for maybe another week. The chose option #3 and it seems like the safest bet.

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    18 Replies
    • they will not ever disables supers in this game in any playlists for this game is about supers....

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    • How about... [spoiler]Trials is total garbage and should 1. have no elemental damages on primaries as we all know this will make hardmode of the raid pointless. and 2. gear should just overall not be better than the pve gear like in HoW[/spoiler]

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    • I actually think ( let's just say all supers are even ) that knowing when and where to use your super or when to not use it requires great skill, maybe not great but they play a major role in strategies

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      • I think that would be taking out a huge part of the strategies and tactics. Would make the game plain and pretty much just like any other shooter. I know some of you want that, but I don't.

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      • Just disable Quiver.

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        2 Replies
        • This makes no sense. It would take them a lot more extensive coding to disable supers in just one playlist than it would take for them to fix a bug. They don't just press a random red button to disable supers, they would have to essentially rewrite the very basics of the game. Would not be remotely feasible.

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          11 Replies
          • for the love of god no i dont like the idea of taking out what makes a game what it is. no supers makes this game just like crysis without the suit or titan fall without a titan just another generic shooter and i for one will not play trials or any mode which provides that function

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          • Just take away shadowshot and use the 8 other sub classes. Shouldn't of been post poned only fun game mode on this game

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            • No

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            • It's not even that good Hammer of sol is way more potent

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            • It just can't happen, bungie can't just flip a switch and disable supers, if they could I'm sure they would have already have thought of the solution, until then you'll just have to be patient...

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            • Was thinking this earlier. Makes it fair and down to skill, the other option is just to disable nightstalker in pvp

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            • I just think they should temporarily blanket ban all hunters from crucible untill they fix this. Its not limited to quiver btw, gg and bladedance are also exploitable

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              4 Replies
              • I always find it funny when kids think Bungie has a button that does they'll read this idea and be like "wow, that's a really good idea" then just push a button and suddenly a super free trials appears.....something like that would take weeks and lots of testing before it could be applied....longer than it will take to fix a glitch.....

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                4 Replies
                • Best fix would be a ban for all players that used the glitch in PvP. No patch needed, easy to do, fair and just. [spoiler]Bungie won't do it, though, because it would hurt their short term bottom line ($). There are so many using the glitch at the moment, and they dont want to lose players. Well, Bungie, you may lose more in the long run by allowing these cheaters to ruin honest players game experience.[/spoiler]

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                  5 Replies
                  • You need the hunter shade step helmet in order to do the glitch why not lockout the helmet until the glitch us fixed simple as that

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                  • It should be inferno without supers tbh.

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                    1 Reply
                    • I'm so salty right now [spoiler]trials -_-[/spoiler] Does it really take that long to patch these things...

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                    • It's not cancelled lol

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                      1 Reply
                      • Edited by Fehtality: 10/16/2015 6:32:21 AM
                        [b]Lock people from using the Graviton Forfeit Helmet![/b] I've seen more than enough comments about this idea and I think it's a valid temporary fix that doesn't have too much of a down side. You do this until you find a permanent fix and Quiver is still open to use and you please 99.9% of the Destiny community who have been waiting for Trials to begin for over a month (The 0.1% being the ones relying on the light from that Helmet to be eligible to play). Honestly Bungie, in my own opinion you've had a reasonable amount of time between the day you announced the date for Trials and now the day before the release to be prepared in case something did go wrong. I'm not going to say it's not fair to the players but pushing Trials back a week shouldn't be your go-to option, there are multiple ways of pleasing the Destiny players that doesn't involve them being affected by glitches. I do fully respect if nothing changes and Trials remains postponed since realistically there isn't much time to create a patch and release it before tomorrow.. and ignoring the glitch to let the players play ToO would have been chaos and no fun for anyone, but I still just wanted to voice my opinion, thanks.

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                      • Quiver is the only perk on shadow shot that makes it viable in crucible! Just saying haha I wouldn't mind not having supers.

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                        13 Replies
                        • i feel trials always should have been this.

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                        • They should have just made inferno superless or atleast make the charge happen only like once a game

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                        • So it was intended that Trials were due to be released on 16th Oct, and Oryx hard mode due on 30th October. Fair enough I can understand why they have delayed trials, but then WHY move hard mode back a week so they both return at the same time on Oct 23rd??? This has pissed me off, I'm a PVP player at heart, I take part in the PVE activities for mainly for the Marks needed for more PVP gear, but I just haven't found the time to successfully complete a raid. I was quite happy going into trials at light level 295. Now the very first trials weekend is going to be full of players at 310+. Why should a PVP player be forced to play PVE just so that they can remain competitive... IN PVP????

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                          8 Replies
                          • Supers should ever disabled in trials!

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