I played 3 matches in Rumble today. All 3 were different lobbies, 2 of them had groups moving as a team. Same thing happened yesterday, people were running together to finish the Imprecation quest. They would kill anyone who came near then would kill each other with Imprecation. When they noticed I was using it they tried to invite me and I promptly left. Fireteams need to be disabled for Rumble or this will never stop.
Me and my friends play rumble all the time so we can reck each other
7 precision kills in one match using a garbage white hand cannon is hard as -blam!- for me and I have a average KD of 1 or so maybe.. I do try in PvP but this is crazy!
But then Rhabby_V won't return for his third attempt at revenge then fail
I think having two seperate ways to finish quests would be better. Pve or pvp. That way people who don't like pvp don't have to boost, because they will always find ways to ruin your experience if they don't want to be there.
I had the same issue. I think the solution is simple: any sword bounties/chaperone bounties/first curse/etc. should have it such that kills on players on same fireteam does not count. Problem solved. This way, we could even do 6 man fireteam rumble games without any boosting issues. Because playing rumbles with friends killing each other is really fun. But boosting is BS.
Sometimes we just wanna kill our friends.
Or make it to where there is private matches and then take away fireteam from rumble