"Star Wars: Battlefront" had 9 million players in its beta. [url]http://starwars.ea.com/starwars/battlefront/news/nine-million-players-have-joined-us-in-the-star-wars-battlefront-beta[/url]
"Destiny" had 4.6 million players in its beta. [url]http://investor.activision.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=862981[/url]
There you have it, gamers prefer being cannon fodder to being material farmers.
Because it's Star Wars and I assure you there are more hardcore Star Wars fans than destiny has. It was a free beta too, hence, anyone can play. To be completely honest if you're not a drone that blindly supports things..Battlefront is shit! It's Battlefield or Medal of Honor with a Star Wars skin. Yes! It's beautiful but you cannot polish a turd. My friends enjoyed it and I'm happy for them but it's EA and I will not support them and their tactics whatsoever. I don't like criticizing a beta but the game is almost at launch and I'm not giving in to the hype anymore. I'm tired of being disappointed! Speaking of which there aren't any space battles in a Star Wars game?!?!?!? No thanks