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10/15/2015 12:26:59 AM

Faction Rep?

Why has faction rep been nerfed and been replaced by the ability to give donations? Those of you who played year one probably don't need to level up your factions to get the exotics but for those of us who didn't or in my case who switched from 360 to ps4 we get basically screwed motes of light are extremely hard to get and for the cloak to drop at at 290 and needs exotic shards to be infused? for level 25? Its ridiculous, plus the nightfall buff is gone the rewards are garbage and the nightfall doesn't even give you substantial rep i honestly don't even bother anymore. But anyways i just hope you implement something that ISN'T bought with real money as i see that happening, (which if that does happen I'm just going to go trade in destiny for a new game). Or please boost the drop rate for motes and strange coins. I personally would not mind if you implemented some faction specific quests which were difficult but not required to be a certain faction level and were on a week to week basis so ex: A bounty where you have to complete a story mission or strike with a burn at a certain light level? But not have it be required to be rank 10 for example just require you to be pledged to that faction. Also make it so if you complete the bounties on one faction you cannot change allegiances for another once you have those bounties that is it for the week. I would suggest making the bounties 250-500 depending on their difficulty and the 500 ones maybe reset every two weeks just so we dont have to completely rely on motes of light and the now nerfed weapon parts. Thank you, Jeremy Donnell

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