It has been a while since the Taken King dropped and I am happy with it but I do feel that not getting the Collectors Edition or Legendary Edition pre-order rewards hurts me because of the waste of money. I am happy with the game but just feel that I should get the rewards I paid for or something along that line now the reason I have a picture of the download list from the PSN is because I was telling my friend about it and letting him know he should get it. but as for why I still have it well I have a tendancy of not deleting pictures on my phone but just scrolling through my phone and seeing this picture reminded me of the money wasted on that expensive pre-orer. Bungie please take care of this or let me know or something
What items are you looking for that you have not yet received? I notice that you have the Legendary Edition. Note that the Legendary edition, did not come with any of the Collector's edition items. Those items were only available in a collector's edition, or the CE upgrade.