If you can't escape the burning effect that is left behind, you're just bad. Some people even say that the duration it is active is too long! Are you -blam!-ing kidding?! It is literally the only benefit it has over the other options! Sunbreakers are badass, and don't need to be nerfed, ok!
I mean seriously, what's so bad about extending the duration of a Solar Grenade?
Edit: Video Proof! [url=][/url]
Guess what, (ima do some real complex math so brace yourself) >So... You want to know if hammer of Sol is OP? >brace yourself, b'cus SH*T is about to hit the fan >Titans >Defender titans >Ward of Dawn >Golden gun >Ward of Dawn can survive a golden gun shot >But wait, what does WoD surviving a GG shot have to do with sunbreakers in IB? >A LOT >Now keep that in mind >Titans >Striker titans >Fist of Havoc >Golden gun >Striker titans can survive a GG shot mid super >but wait, what does striker and defender have to do with sunbreaker in IB? >A WHOLE LOT >Sunbreaker >MCHammer >Hammer of Sol >Golden gun >Hammer of Sol can survive a GG shot >coincidence? I DIDNT THINK SO >Ward of Dawn, Fist of Havoc, and Hammer of Sol can all survive a GG shotid super >WOAH its all beginning to become clear to me >all three titan supers can survive a golden gun shot >wait a minute! >all this time titans really have been the tank class without us realizing >SO... Hammer of Sol not OP CONFIRMED Before ya'll (yes I said ya'll deal with it) go contradicting my superb logic, note that this was meant as something to brighten your day with a bit of humor [b][i][u]Credit to MrAnonymous0127[/u][/i][/b]
You are awesome
I called the Rick Roll lol, 10/10 troll.
Beautiful. Plus why would you want something that Xur sold that much?
That's your proof what about that constant shield regen after every kill that not op. If that ability wasn't there sunbreakers would stand on the same lvl as the other subclasses in crucible
Meh I always used fusion or firebolt, I don't think I've used solar since the old vault of glass templar cheese...good times. Also I agree the freaking names are too similar
I wholeheartedly agree
More of the fact that you get to throw seven tracking nova bombs while tanking everyone else's supers