I dig it. Positivity. Ok, I'll bite. My favorite piece of gear was, and still is, my suros regime. I got my 'old' one (suros '2.0') from that one chest in Crotas end, the one you could cheese solo. Got the gun on my first attempt, I was pretty excited. I just bought the new version yesterday, it needs a few infusions, but I still love that damned gun.
The recent 2.0 patch that made auto rifles valid again actually worked. I get killed by Suros Regime in the Crucible all the time now. Go forth and kill with impunity, sir!
Well, if I go into the crucible, I won't be doing any killing. I am so bad at pvp.. It would be embarrassing, but it's so bad, it transcends embarrassment. At least I know my limits. Lol! 😎