Bungie, look at what chaos you've created. You went at the entire situation wrong and now the community is upset with you and the youtubers specifically tritanarmy2 and willisgaming, many more included. You punished everyone instead of just punishing those who farmed the glitch. Still hasn't been fixed yet, instead of making hourly glitch patches how about you make a game with great story. The game was lacking content until Taken king, which it entirely is still. The loot table is terrible, in 305 yet I get gear worse than 305 from King Falls Raid. Fix the game please.
Bungi fix the agonarch rune problem asap. Please ..!! It's killing us...! And we're all beginning to see you've lied to us about fixing Rng. You can keep your 2nd 300 raid chest plate. Make it right bungi... Make it right!