wait till your own kids come and shoot you with it or your school, then you can be really proud.
America is the only country with so many school shootings. Why do you think that is? Possibly because of so many owning weapons.
Our ownership of guns causes our own children to die. Little children that didnt do a single thing wrong, just because we want to feel all mucho and shit. I don't think owning a gun makes you strong. its using your mind that makes you strong. Guns are for cowards.
Lol what a puss I have killed many deer and other animals in my life and I will NOT STOP
Edited by Unforgiven: 10/16/2015 12:51:12 AMJust be careful that you don't shoot your friend or yourself accidentally. Buddy! http://animalrights.about.com/od/wildlife/f/HuntingAccident.htm Just be careful that you don't shoot your friend or yourself accidentally. Buddy! [quote]According to the International Hunter Education Association, approximately 1,000 people in the US and Canada are accidentally shot by hunters every year, and just under a hundred of those accidents are fatalities. Most victims are hunters, but non-hunters are also sometimes killed or injured. Although some other forms of recreation cause more fatalities, hunting is one of the few activities that endangers the entire community, and not just the willing participants.[/quote]
I took the hunter safety course in well aware of what not and what to do
Edited by Unforgiven: 10/16/2015 1:05:41 AMI am relieved. A weight has been lifted off my chest and I can finally exhale. Tell that to the 100 people who died this year from hunting accidents. One day they were just walking through the woods and enjoying nature. The next thing they were trying to hold in their guts.
Dude you're being stupid. Did you know that 450 people die each year in the US falling out of bed........maybe the mattress industry should be more heavily regulated too ay.
This problem is solved by hunting on privately owned land. We recently went around all the borders of our ridge and put up new signs to keep strangers out of the land. And you know what it means if there are no strangers! Since there are no strangers this eliminates the risk of a dumbass shooting me while I'm a orange vest
Just because you put up some redneck signs doesn't mean a stranger won't stumble in by accident. What if the person needed your help or was being chased by wild animals or wild people. Shit happens. Thats why its called an Accident.
Does have anything to do with redneck. If I see anybody pull out a gun and threaten somebody, I have my own to take down the threat. Easy as that. If everybody could do that, then only 1 or 2 people would die in shootings v. 5+
PD_33 = Carter from latest episode of walking dead.
Don't shoot. I can tell you where the local GAP is located :)
I just wanted to reply and I'm not going say anything on this matter. If people want to raise their children with firearms that's their own deal but there are those who teach discipline and responsibility when using these and their are those who let them do what ever they want with them. I don't own any cause I'm 14 but personally I'm not really into guns I just like playing video games.
Edited by Unforgiven: 10/15/2015 10:49:11 PMthanks for your feedback.. When you have your own children, you might form more of an opinion about. I am personally tired of hearing about school shootings. And the one where the little kids died was a little too close to home. I have my own 5 year old son. If something happened to him I would die. You don't understand the feeling because you don't have children. People who have guns and use them and think it protects them in reality are just a few steps from killing or being killed by them. Yes you can kill someone with a knife just as well as a gun. But the kind of mass murder that happens can only be achieved using firearms. Half of killing in home is caused by either a relative or someone you know. Yes there are shooting about Criminals and they usually just kill other criminals. Yes there are times when innocents die as well. That has been happening since dawn of time. There are always crazy people out there. But making it so easy to obtain guns is not the answer.
I truly hope you're not this stupid. My brother, sister and I were raised with firearms. We were taught to respect them and the damage you can do with them. None of us have ever gone and shot up a school or had the desire to kill our parents. All three of us have taught our children how to shoot and responsibly handle firearms as well. The people you're referring to weren't raised properly or taught anything about respect and life. Responsible firearm owners don't own them to be macho, they own them for hunting, home protection, sport shooting, etc. We also have gun safes to keep them out of the hands of our children. You know just in case. If an intruder breaks into your house and mine there will be blood in both instances. The difference being that in your house it will be yours and in my house it will be the intruders. Chew on that for a while scooter.
Edited by Unforgiven: 10/15/2015 10:58:51 PMI am glad I don't own a gun. Half the domestic homicides are caused by the the family itself. How many stories do you hear about where a person broke into someones home and was shut by a hero that protected their family. Not many. How many stories do you hear about a father who killed his own family and them put gun on himself. TONS. No I am not that stupid. I just watch the news and I read. Huge percentage of domestic gun violence is caused by the gun owner or a close relative or family member or friend. Someone they know. A jilted lover perhaps. But not by criminals who breaking into your house to hurt you. Those things are few and far between. Yes there are serial killers and murderers. But those don't break into people's homes. They are smarter than that.
To each his own. I pray that I never have to use mine for anything other than hunting or sport. I look at it this way. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Be safe fellow gaurdian.
Edited by Unforgiven: 10/15/2015 11:15:04 PMYes you don't have to use it. Just get rid of it. And say no to gun violence. Every person who stops using guns is a step in right direction. Thats one less gun thats going to be used to kill. Yes there are times when guns are required. But you can't make such a decision to shoot another person without thinking it through. Hell you could shoot your own family member just as easily, if its dark for example, and they are simply getting home late. It could be your own son coming to surprise you after a long trip, and getting home in middle of the night. ANd he has keys to the house. More often than not guns kill people, and many times its an accident. Why have such things on hand. Many times people go hunting and kill other people just going through the woods. It happens hundreds of times every year. Why have such weapons. You can be cautious your entire life and one day boom. You just killed your own son. And you can never get them back. Now for example, if you didn't have the gun, your son would still be alive. Why have such dangerous weapons around? Many people will shoot and ask questions later. Many have guns right in their car, and will use them when they get road rage. Or just to scare other people. This is 2015. We need to take our humanity to new level of peace. Owning a gun is just asking for trouble.
I'll keep my 23 firearms thank you very much. Stop drinking that liberal kool-aid scooter. My house is on 270 acres so I'm pretty sure if my alarm goes off it's not my wife or kids. Shots will be fired and intruders will be lacking the ability to breath. Words truly can't describe how naive you are.
You are part of the problem. What do you think will happen to your 23 guns when you are gone. One day someone will use one of them to kill somebody. Keep them if you must, just stay away from me.
Shouldn't be a problem. You obviously aren't from Texas. Don't worry about my arsenal. My family will keep them safe.
Or one day use it on you when they get angry and kill you. Either or.
You really should research the 1,000s of instances where people with firearms protected their families and or people in public places from armed criminals. I say research because your liberal controlled news won't report on it. That would go against their agenda to disarm Americans. Just the other day a 16 year old male killed his entire family with a knife. A KNIFE! By your liberal way of thinking we should ban all knives, just lock them away. Damn we can't lock them up. My guns are locked away and that's not good enough for you so I guess we just melt down all the knives. Someone recently murdered another person with a screwdriver. Do we stop having tools at our disposal? I could go on and on but it's a waste of time because you liberals don't care about the facts. You just want to take away guns. The biggest problem with taking firearms from the public is that even if all of the law abiding citizens turned over our weapons the criminals would still keep theirs. Look at the crime stats from Chicago alone. Those gun laws are doing a whole lot of good there aren't they? Look at Sweden. Everyone goes into service at the age of 20 and learns to respect firearms as part of their training. How many times have you heard of mass shootings there? None of this will make sense to you though because you are brain washed. You will undoubtedly respond back with another ignorant post about how my angry kid is going to shoot me without even thinking about anything I've said here so I don't even know why I'm wasting my time. I will say this though. It's gonna be difficult for my children to get their hands on my firearms when they are locked away in a vault style $5,000.00 safe. Maybe they can figure out the combination and then kill me. Or use a power tool. We have lots of murderous power tools. Come to think of it I should throw away my pick ax and shovels too. So many things in my home they can kill me with.
I'm not gonna argue that guns make you strong, because they don't. They don't make you weak though. It isn't about how weak or strong you are when it comes to owning a gun. As a gun owner, I'm not overly fond of having shooting as a hobby. I have only 2 guns and they are both purely for self defense. I do not sport shoot in any way. I was in the military and leave it to them to ruin the hobby of shooting. Anyhow, with the area I live in, I'd be a fool to not have a weapon in the house. I don't have kids and I live alone (quite happily I might add). I have a gun in the house to give me peace of mind in case someone were to threaten my neighbors or myself. I'm guessing you are younger since about 90 percent of the people on this forum are. You wait until you have a house or a family of your own. You could take that chance of not being able to protect yourself from an armed person (which is unlikely). Or you could never have to worry about that. Let me put it this way, there are conservatives out there that aren't very smart. These are the same people that want to give teachers guns in schools. They are the same people that produce theatrics about democrats corrupting the government and coming to take their guns. I'm a conservative and can tell you that others in my chosen party of being republican are idiots. The truth is that guns really don't produce the violence. They aren't the product of killings.
I have a home and family. And I choose not to buy a gun. I will let law enforcement handle criminals. Which they do decently enough. I am not some vigilante that will take matters into my own hands. Half the time that people try to be hero ends up hurting themselves in the long run. Honestly I am scared of guns. I am scared of what they can do. And I refuse to use them. Having one less person use guns in the world. Having one less person that has a chance to kill you I say. And whats wrong with that?
Edited by SnarloCarlo: 10/15/2015 11:39:09 PMHere's the problem with that logic: other people have them. Trust me, in a perfect world, people wouldn't have to use them or have them at all. Whether they are legal or not, people will still find a way to get their hands on one. I know when I need to fire at someone and I wouldn't do it unless my life or someone else's life were immediate danger. I live in a very rural area though and we don't have police. We have a sheriff's department spread out amongst several counties. I can't depend on them to show up before the worst case scenario happens. If a gunman is in my house, I can't do much of anything other than try to stall him. You can never know what is going through someone's mind. You can perceive what they might do, but in truth, if they are desperate enough to be wielding a weapon upon you, it's nearly impossible to tell what they are going to do. I wouldn't fire my gun at someone unless they were intending drawn or is in the process of drawing on me. If I should come across these types of situations, sometimes a weapon can be purely phychological, to deter them from doing anything further. The reason I have a gun is because I don't want to give someone that split second it takes to take my choice of life away.
Edited by Unforgiven: 10/15/2015 11:54:33 PMgreat so you gun owners can kill each other then. I personally choose to resolve my problems without guns. People don't normally weild guns upon me. I guess I been lucky so far.