What's the deal? I've made 2 characters, not available for either.
More details (apologies!):
I'm on PS4, my account is US region. I purchased the game through PlayAsia.com (it's a US copy, the Legendary Edition - ordered on Sept 12th) and it arrived Sept 24th. I have been quite busy at work so haven't had much opportunity to play, but from now I should be able to play regularly.
Hi isgoodis, You may want to try restoring your licenses. Here is a guide on how to do so: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12181
Absolute BS. I'm *told* (by someone associated with the issue - but not directly in the know) that in all likelihood, nothing will occur because "...it doesn't look like very many players are affected." Ignored by all official bungie folk, because that's easier than addressing this. So, bad luck. Paid for something - but sh*t, you didn't get it? Tough bananas. That's just sh*tty, #bungie.
So... the fact that this is something I paid for and didn't receive is ok as far as Bungie's concerned? Simply "ignore-and-it'll-go-away"?
Nuffin'. Sigh...
Bump. Completley unfair, unreasonable that I haven't gotten my spark of light, and no-one's replied here even to say "Hey, we're working on it."
Bump... still no response, and no Spark of Light. I'm guessing that if [b][u]I[/u][/b] don't have it, there are OTHERS who don't have it. C'mon Bungie - I paid for this.
C'mon guys... this is ridiculous.
Hello guys? Still haven't had this resolved...
Bump. STILL searching for my Spark of Light...
Bump. This is still an issue. C'mon bungie...
I'm a day 1 player, I never received it either. Did want to make a 3rd character but I'm not grinding to lvl 40.
Maybe you could grind it out like most of us did!
I think it was if you played Destiny the day of TTK
If I could give you the one of the 3 I have I would. Yes THREE. Because apparently the people at bungie are asshats.
Check your vault.
Yup... not in the vault. STILL NOT THERE BUNGIE! HELP ME OUT?