We are a group with 963 members currently. All female. We don't hate men and we're not prejudiced but if you're looking for girls who play and you are a girl, you are more than welcome to come join our group and clan. You don't have to join either or both. You can join just one. We're recruiting. All levels and skills are welcome, even the newbies. We have members of the Xbox community and members of the psn community. The only requirement is to be of the female gender. Even trans. We also don't discriminate with sexuality. We are simply of group of girls who like to have girls to play with or chat with about girly things. I'm one of the admins, newly titled. The other admins are Lilrican, Killsquad518, xVintageleex, MzNeonLight, and Number 342. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact us, we'll respond as soon as we can.
I accidentally tried and joined your group I'm a guy but I didn't mean anything of it just was interested in seeing if girls actually played destiny (not trying to be sexist or misogynistic)