Some people do better with certain weapons than other people do, so to some people, they may prefer it over others.
Its stats are awful. You can statistically perform better with dozens of other weapons.
You smell like you're a waste of an exotic slot
Sounds like you had an awful argument because you need it just to scrape by on a raid run I assume you barely finish each week.
Its great on oryx. I use ToM or SS. But I always have trouble finding heavy ammo so I go with ToM
Then you're making mistakes. It isn't useful for anything in the Oryx fight.
Well everyone has their own preference
Preferring crap isn't smart. That's the point. As for the comment, it's getting deleted. Bungie feels a need to not allow easy access to replies, so I'm done listening to the idiocy of this basment dwelling forum.
I must be crap then. O well
You won't be saying the same when the heroic raid comes along
You would say that if you had no argument to counter mine. It isnt useful in the Oryx fight. Period. Theres no heroic mode so you can't make an argument.
Are u for real? Me and my friend were the only ones alive to hit oryx cuz we were helping first timers. We stagger him 3 seconds after he open his chest, try doing that's with what ever u got that u think is better then ToM with only one other person.
As if arguing that its a waste of an exotic slot is any less presumptuous.
Disagreed with a fact. That makes you an idiot.
Poo is a fact? Nice.
Yeah if you suck...
You suck if you need it. Tells me you can't aim nor get a decent set of weapons together.
Lmao what other gun could be more effective?
Anything you feel comfortable with, as anything will do. Oryx doesn't take weapon damage, you just stagger him, which is easy to do with almost any weapon type.
He does take weapon damage..... Also u need enough damage to stagger him
Please tell me where he takes weapon damage. How closely the orbs are detonated is how damage is determined. I've proven it in multiple runs by getting my group not to shoot after a stagger. The stagger is a step. No actual damage is done.
Ahem, than how would you kill him in the end? Lol