I get it Bungie. You can't [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12211]refund accidental purchases[/url], but perhaps putting something in place that will help prevent accidental purchases might be beneficial. A perfect is example is the delay when attempting to dismantle a piece of gear. Other wise this happens.
It goes without saying that I would like to get my Legendary Marks back. I've been saving for a while so I could upgrade one of my Exotics (Red Death to be exact) and was only a day away when I screwed myself over. Just started with the Taken King maybe a couple weeks ago and spent most of my Marks up until now leveling my light. Of course if a refund still isn't possible, I understand. Hopefully however you can help prevent something like this from happening to another player.
For now I'll just deal with the irony of the Cosmic Joke.
Two of them.
More thinking, less spamming/button bashing. Fix'd! Ya welcome.