The same time as usual, 10 AM PST, or lunch time for Bungie. It's just like every other week. With Patch 2.0.1 comes the return of Tess, the one and only Lord Saladass, and some of your fancy emotes,
It's always been the same time, I don't how people don't have this memorized already.
So when does Trials Of O-Serious come out?
[spoiler]Guess what? Same time but on a Friday.[/spoiler]
Maintenence: 10 AM - 11 AM PST
What time is that in Eastern time? I'm not a fan of time conversions while on vacation.
11am pst
Bungie Twitter says they're doing maintenance as well so expect it to be 11 not 10
This and many other posts trying to save people from themselves and their lack of patience, ability to read, have a Twitter account, or use fukon Google: Have proven somewhat unsuccessful. Thanks for trying tho.