Attacking my character isn't going to do you any good
OP is trying to argue that guns are made to murder, he literally said "murder machines"
I was saying that knifes are just as much murder machines as guns, because neither of them are actually made to murder things.
to kill =/= to murder
[quote]Attacking my character isn't going to do you any good[/quote] I'm not attacking your character, I'm attacking your argument. I don't believe you to be dumb, even if your argument is. You are being blinded by your own bias, just as you rightly pointed out the other person is. Is calling a gun a murder machine a little ridiculous? Of course, because murder is a particular type of killing that is weighted by our laws and ethics. But you can't compare modern knives to guns based on the idea that knives were "initially designed to kill and cut things." No one is talking about the first caveman's knife, just as no one is talking about a revolutionary war-era musket. Guns are meant to kill. That is their function. The same is not true of knives, therefore it's a false equivalency. I'm not arguing that all guns should be banned, nor do I think labeling them as "murder machines" is intellectually honest, but your comparison isn't valid.