I assume knifes are also murder machines?
I mean, they were initially designed to kill and cut things, soooo
Regardless of your position on gun control, your statement is stupid. Guns are designed to kill. The vast majority of knives are designed to cut butter.
*majority of knifes that are bought are designed to cut butter Just like how the majority of guns bought in the US aren't designed specifically to kill innocent people.
Edited by jay p: 10/13/2015 4:59:29 AM[quote]*majority of knifes that are bought are designed to cut butter Just like how the majority of guns bought in the US aren't designed specifically to kill innocent people.[/quote] All guns are made to kill. Almost no knives are made to kill. You can be willfully ignorant if you wish, but guns are made specifically to kill. Almost all knives are not.
Just because something is made to kill doesn't make it a "killing machine" There are a lot of guns that are bought in the US, and haven't killed anything. And back to my original argument, knifes were first designed to kill things, you can't deny that
[quote]Just because something is made to kill doesn't make it a "killing machine" There are a lot of guns that are bought in the US, and haven't killed anything. And back to my original argument, knifes were first designed to kill things, you can't deny that[/quote] You are purposely ignoring the obvious ridiculousness of your own argument, much as you criticized the OP for doing. Fact: all guns made are designed for killing. Fact: the overwhelming majority of knives made are not for killing, but for some other purpose. You are being as willfully ignorant as the person you are critiquing.
Attacking my character isn't going to do you any good OP is trying to argue that guns are made to murder, he literally said "murder machines" I was saying that knifes are just as much murder machines as guns, because neither of them are actually made to murder things. to kill =/= to murder
[quote]Attacking my character isn't going to do you any good[/quote] I'm not attacking your character, I'm attacking your argument. I don't believe you to be dumb, even if your argument is. You are being blinded by your own bias, just as you rightly pointed out the other person is. Is calling a gun a murder machine a little ridiculous? Of course, because murder is a particular type of killing that is weighted by our laws and ethics. But you can't compare modern knives to guns based on the idea that knives were "initially designed to kill and cut things." No one is talking about the first caveman's knife, just as no one is talking about a revolutionary war-era musket. Guns are meant to kill. That is their function. The same is not true of knives, therefore it's a false equivalency. I'm not arguing that all guns should be banned, nor do I think labeling them as "murder machines" is intellectually honest, but your comparison isn't valid.
Also hands, feet, cars, tree branches, acid, most snakes, etc...
Most of them are primarily designed for cooking and manual jobs like carpentry. Not killing. Nice try though.
Yet they are used to attack someone about every 4 minutes in the UK
Would love to see the cereal box you pulled those stats out from
Tabloid newspaper from 2008. [spoiler]Cereal box confirmed[/spoiler]
You know my bad for not checking the date. Looks like that was the peak for knife attacks, looks like knife attacks are down to 26k a year and -blam!-s are up to 29k a year. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-33547806 Unless the BBC is a tabloid too.
No, it's not. But do you think violent homicides would go up or down if guns were legal? Just curious
Given that homicides in both the US and UK have been on a similar decline, and if the UK did not ban firearms in the first place. I would assume that they would follow the same downward trend they are now or see no change. A tool is a tool be it a gun or a knife it requires a human to use them for good or ill. Murder is already illegal, so is -blam!-, robbery and a host of other things yet people still commit those crimes.
So because people already commit crimes, why make it harder for them to do so? Sound logic...
No, because people already commit heinous crimes I see no reason to rob the law abiding of an effective means of protection against those that would commit said crimes with or without a gun. It's why shootings happen at malls and schools they are "gun free" except for the shooter, they are provided with a target rich environment that will offer little to no meaningfully resistance. As a result they have a monopoly on force until the police arrive and they shoot themselves or are shot.
Criminals aren't the only things that make guns problematic. Accidents also happen, and more regularly than you'd think. Also many guns criminals use are acquired legally. It's not a valid assumption to say they'd get their hands on guns anyway just because they're criminals. Many criminals are opportunists who kill with guns just because they have guns. I mean we have criminals in the UK, but they don't get firearms.
Right you have criminals on the UK and effectively no private firearms ownership yet you still have the highest violent crime rate in Europe, and saw no significant decrease in violent crimes after banning firearms. Accidents happen with most anything and are unintentional, its why we call them accidents. The only way to remove 300+ million guns from the hands of 150+ million people would be to use government force, so it will never happen, it would also require an amendment to the US Constitution which requires a 3/4 majority vote by the states. We will have to agree to disagree, where I see a tool used far more often to protect life then take it you only see a criminal implement and no matter what either one of us says to the other perceptions won't change.
I don't only see it as a criminal instrument, but I always see it as a killing machine. But yeah, we'll agree to disagree.