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Edited by irishfreak: 10/16/2015 10:53:13 AM

Sunbreakers need to be nerfed or I quit

Everywhere I go... Sunbreakers this. Sunbreakers that. I can't even begin to understand why on Earth, Bungie would make such and op thing. Literally everywhere I go, there's just fire spraying all around me. There's nothing I can do about it either. Can run, can jump, can't shoot through all the incoming fire explosions. It's stupid as hell. Whenever I try to run, they just throw a fireball so I'm trapped. When I try to jump, they just wait till I fall. And when I try to shoot I can't see anything BECAUSE THERES SO MUCH FIRE EVERYWHERE!!!! I swear if Bungie doesn't Nerf this I quit. I've spent 3000 plus hours on destiny and I swear, this is the end. If you use it and don't agree that it's op than you're ignorant. No class should have so much power as Warlocks do when they equip the sunbreakers. Extended solar grenades are too good. Warlocks were always good, but now when everyone uses sunbreakers, I'm dying all the time. BUNGIE!!!! NERF SUNBREAKERS OR I QUIT!!! Edit 1: Seems that only about 5% of you guys are able to read. Edit 2: Seems like more than 10% can read now. That's good. Baby steps people. Edit 3 (Three in one day! WOW!): please people, read the last 4 sentences if you can't do anything else. Edit 4: I added a new edition to my post. :) Edit 5: this community is sad Edit 6: Thank you hate replies. I'm going to have the best popcorn with your salt. :)

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  • Omg you will quit?please stay play Destiny!:)

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    • [quote]Everywhere I go... Sunbreakers this. Sunbreakers that. I can't even begin to understand why on Earth, Bungie would make such and op thing. Literally everywhere I go, there's just fire spraying all around me. There's nothing I can do about it either. Can run, can jump, can't shoot through all the incoming fire explosions. It's stupid as hell. Whenever I try to run, they just throw a fireball so I'm trapped. When I try to jump, they just wait till I fall. And when I try to shoot I can't see anything BECAUSE THERES SO MUCH FIRE EVERYWHERE!!!! I swear if Bungie doesn't Nerf this I quit. I've spent 3000 plus hours on destiny and I swear, this is the end. If you use it and don't agree that it's op than you're ignorant. No class should have so much power as Warlocks do when they equip the sunbreakers. Extended solar grenades are too good. Warlocks were always good, but now when everyone uses sunbreakers, I'm dying all the time. BUNGIE!!!! NERF SUNBREAKERS OR I QUIT!!! Edit 1: Seems that only about 5% of you guys are able to read. Edit 2: Seems like more than 10% can read now. That's good. Baby steps people. Edit 3 (Three in one day! WOW!): please people, read the last 4 sentences if you can't do anything else. Edit 4: I added a new edition to my post. :) Edit 5: this community is sad Edit 6: Thank you hate replies. I'm going to have the best popcorn with your salt. :)[/quote] I think its funny how gamers hate criticism. You say that class needs a nerf and instead of just having a discussion about it. You get little kids with their dumb comments.(You suck, stop complaining)

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      • Then quit

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        • Edited by Godzillas Cake: 10/15/2015 12:29:11 AM
          That dang ole satire tag always gets ya

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        • Then quit pussy haha

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        • Edited by PlutoIsAPlanet: 10/14/2015 11:01:16 PM
          I swear to god I was about to respond this post stating "Why complaining about the Warlock Gauntlets?" (Under the assumption you were crying nerf on the titans) 10/10- IGN

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        • Edited by Venari: 10/14/2015 10:10:02 PM
          Lol salty titans in the comments. Yeah yeah continue to lick your "ickle baby titans" armour plated cocks. Bungies mistake was making hammers explosive. They might as well give the -blam!-ing hammers grenades and horseshoes now, add insult to injury. I hated crucible before sunbreakers. You can imagine how I felt after their solar flared aids hit pvp.

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        • they just neeed to take supers out of pvp period its not just the sunbreaker

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        • Then quit Scrub! Or create strategy to overcome it.

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          • Bye bye

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          • Edited by SKILES85: 10/14/2015 4:45:21 PM
            I think hunters just need a little armor buff during supers. I don't want anything nerfed, but hunters feel way 2 fragile during supers compared to other classes. Bladedancer should have been left behind in year 1. This subclass sucks ass now. Bladedancer matches the weakness of this expansion, it's lacking in so many ways. I'm deleting my arc exotic sword bounty. Not worth the BS. Ill do it on my Titan or warlock.

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            • I like potato salad

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              • Edited by fibeto: 10/14/2015 9:54:55 PM
                Just run with mixed classes. If you have several different classes the supers play together very well. Tethering hammer super Titans or storm rage warlocks immediately stops their super and you can kill them. Even if you miss and shoot near them. It grabs them and ends their super immediately. And quite possibly you might catch a few more enemies that you can instantly melt because of the bonus damage. If you hear a hammer run away. Putting distance between them and yourself is a great idea. If they're distracted you can easily pick them off from far away.

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              • Bump

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              • Bye

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                • If Titan new super needs a nerf so does the warlocks new super and so does the hunters new ability. Lol they are supers they are supposed to be overpowered. What's the point of a super if it does nothing. Still I can always keep my titans super and throw grenades every 15 secs :)

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                  • Most armor, most range, 1 hit kill to anything and full health regen after a kill. How is this not to OP? It does need a nerf its a super standing above all else.

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                    • Bump

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                    • Lol nice post

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                    • It should at least a get a armor refuction.

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                    • It will and it should, even tho I survived and won a rumble mayhem against like 3 hammer titans, I do not believe they should survive a golden gun if a golden gun doesn't have any damage reduction then why should the hammer? For one the hammer last longer can hit further with no damage fall off what so ever. Please explain how this is fair?

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                    • Bye....COD comes out soon

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                      • Then quit

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                        • Do it. Quit, Quit, Quit and go play BO3 or Halo what ever your taste is.

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                          • Bro chill out first off Titans finally got something better than a stupid nova bomb or golden gun. Titans have always been looked down by the community and bungie. Now we have a shot, I'm sick of people like you ranting because your op golden gun can't one shot a Titan. If you quit no one really cares. Just get better at the game then you might actually start saying constructive Criticism about the game. Besides hunters had two killing classes and one could be made into a (defense/ cloak) class. And warlocks and Titans had ok stuff so just chill go take a serious thought on what you just posted and play Cod. Which has no supers have a great day.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Hit them with the new Hunter super. BOOM! No hammers. Don't run towards the guy covered in flames. BOOM! No dying. Pick the guy covered in flames off with a rifles from a distance. BOOM! No more hammers. See how easy that was? Just play SW: Battlefield 4. I hear it's fun.

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