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10/12/2015 4:56:03 AM

Raid drops need work

I know it's been brought up a ton already and I don't want to beat a dead horse. But after 4 weeks of full clears my Hunter is still at 304 with only raid chest piece. One more week of this shit and I'm quitting destiny for good. Bungie doesn't care because they have my money. Anyway. Today I ran entire raid in my hunter and got 3 pieces of loot. I currently have a 309 ghost equipped and 305 in inventory. Chest dropped 302 ghost. -blam!-. Warpriest gave me shards. Golgoroth gave me shards. Daughters gave me a 300 cloak, I have a 305 equipped. Oryx gave me a 300 shell (for using 20 shards) and 2 shards. This seems broken more than vog was broken. Not only go you need rng to get loot but you need rng to get better light loot. Say you have 50/50 chance to get gear drops. 50% something will drop. Now split that between 11 light levels. 300-310. That's less than 5% chance you'll get 310 gear. 9% chance you'll get 309+ AND THAT'S AT 50/50 drop rate. 30/70? 30% chance for a drop. That's less than 3% chance of 310 and 5% chance of 309+ all rng based. I'm also assuming you have a higher percentage of getting <309 gear. I can understand making us do the raid multiple times to get gear, but this shit is rediculous. I need to be 310 by hard mode and it's impossible. I'm honestly thinking about deleting my 304 titan and 302 warlock just to make 3 -blam!-ing hunters. I haven't needed more than one hunger 2 since VOG. I have a very simple solution to gear w/light issues. First couple raids the gear drops at 300-304ish. As you get gear, the next gear drops of the same type are guaranteed to be higher level. Maybe drop the chance of loot but guarantee better drops. Noone wants to see they got a drop on a boss just to find it they have to shard it because it's 5 light levels lover than their current gear.

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