I have no words for your (lack) of intelligence. You know why you read links? So you don't sound ignorant, which you do [b]right now. [/b]
Why are you so dumb? Seriously fox is bullshit to begin with right? So knowing that why would i care to click a link that says fox when i dont even care what the article is about to begin with? The point of my comment is that i dont care what fox has to say about anything Its really not that difficult to understand I have zero reason to click that link and see what it is because i dont care Okay ttyl kiddo have fun at school tomorrow
Let me summarise your opinion. "I'm a moron. I'm uninformed. I choose to be uninformed. You are stupid for calling me out for choosing to be uninformed." Sound, sound logic. Also, tomorrow's Columbus day.
You are a literal retard arent you?
And you are a buffoon.