[quote][quote][quote]1: Atheon, Crota, Skolas
2: Oryx
3: The Cabal White Legion
4: Charlemagne
5: The Ahamkaras
6: The Nine
7: The Hive Grand Council
8: The All-Knowing Mind
9: Xylar, The Forgotten
10: The Traveler[/quote]
1. Aetheon, Crota, Skokas
2. Oryx
3. Oryx's mom
4. Oryx's aunt
5. Oryx's dad
6. Crota's dad's dad's dad
7. Oryx's cousin's sister's aunt's nephew's brother's former roommate
8. Oryx's pet goldfish
9. Oryx's colon
10. The Traveler is actually Oryx's gay lover[/quote][/quote]
Who is charlagmagne?