So...first time post, and I don't like forums so bear with me...
Last Tuesday or Wednesday I saw The First Firewall mission pop up like everyone else but did NOT do the mission that day (I know, I know)...
I checked back and the mission was gone on Thursday when I actually had a chance to do it....
Checked again's there! But I was working so I said I'll do it later that night....Checked Friday night...gone??? It's been gone ever since, I've been checking all weekend.
At this point I'm like what the cuss is going on...I know I should have gotten the mission, I got all 4 Legendary gun relics in to the Gunsmith, he seemed happy, I'm rank 4 there, all is well.
Is this happening to anyone else?
That mission is RANDOM. Just like the Secret missions in the Daily Heroic. We never know when it will show up
If you need help with this mission please msg me GT same 306hunter
Not sure why but just as I was about to shut down last night, I saw this mission pop up. LOL...a month later, now I'm not even sure I want this thing.
I turned my last one in that Wednesday night and didn't get the mission and still haven't seen it, terrible luck cause everyone has it it seems
Yeah same here, on Thursday and Friday I was writing an essay so couldn't do it. Now I can't do it at all