I think it's more about the enjoyment of the game. I hate PvP, even if I do well, I don't have fun doing it. So why play it? Because I want a gun to use in my strictly PvE playing? Seems pretty bogus. And some people say, "you're only play half the game". Yeah, I'm playing the half I enjoy, why would I play something I hate? Personally I think there should be dual quest lines, make it fair. 25 guardian kills in crucible OR 250 kills in PvE or blah blah type. Things like that would go a long way. I'm just trying to say it's not necessarily bruised egos, but a lack of FUN in a GAME.
I agree. Thats the same reason i havent even bothered to get the exotic sword because PvE forces me to sit there like an idiot and collect all this stuff, and to me thats boring and im not doing it. But yeah i agree PvP should be seperate, cause most of my enjoyment comes from PvP, alot of the PvE stuff just feels like a chore. Now on the PvP i play it like a game of chess, trying to outsmart them and what not
Tell you what. The day I can get 100% of the PvE rewards in PvP i'll give this policy the bump it deserves.
Ok, there was something you clearly didn't follow about what I said.