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10/9/2015 12:35:19 PM
YOU ARE LOST. Both intellectually and morally. You cannot evaluate a philosophy----apart from some intelectually masturbatory exercise----in a vacuum. 1. You must first see if it is internally consistent both in terms of its logic and its morality. THEN----where possible---- you need to see what are the CONSEQUENCES of implementing it. Communism---when examined in a vacuum---seems to be a reasonable political/eocnomic philosophy. But it has been a dismal failure EVERYWHERE it has ever been implemented. Because it relies upon people acting ALTRUISTICALLY, rather than in their own SELF-INTEREST. Capitalism works, because it expects---and requires----people to act in their own self-interest. So it works in concert with human nature instead of trying to swim upstream against it. 2, Just because someone BELIEVES something doesn't make that belief rational, true or justifiable. The [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] believe that ethnic Germans ("Aryans") were the IDEAL form of human. The "Master Race"....and that there was never going to be any cooperation or peaceful coexistence between different "tribes" or "races". That it was always going to be a Darwinian struggle for survival where "superior " peoples had to eliminate or dominate "lesser" peoples, lest they themselves get eliminated, dominated, or "defiled" by inter-breeding. 3. The Hive aren't "doing great". They live in a society where they behave like LOCUST. They move from one location to another....destroying everything in their path, creating NOTHING of any lasting value...and then move on to the next target of destruction. They even fight among themselves...and even their spaceships are made from the bodies of their own dead. Oryx "lives on" in the body of a weapon being used to kill his own people. 4. You are lost. a. All stories are human stories. Oryx isn't some fantastical creation. He is a HUMAN psychopathic, and meglaomanical leader....just put into a fictional context. He is Adolf Hitler. He is Josef Stalin. He is Pol Pot. ...and the Book of Sorrows is Mein Kampf. b., ...and in the Book of Sorrows you hear the same rationalizations, self-justifications, and end-justify-the-means character defenses that all sociopaths use so that they can (in their minds) remain the "heroes' of their own narrative. You are lost, because you fail to grasp one fo the most central tenets of human (and Oryx is an aspect of human) nature. EVERYONE BELIVES THEY ARE GOOD. EVERYONE BELIEVES THEY ARE RIGHT. EVERYONE CONVINCES THEMSELVES THAT THEIR ACTIONS ARE JUSTIFIED. No matter how monstrous the acts. No matter how destructive the consequences.

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