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Edited by AwesomeLion: 10/9/2015 4:50:52 PM

I don't like PvP and apparently that is NOT okay

I know its a lot of fun for some, but PvP is always maddening and frustrating for me and I avoid it whenever I can. That's why I always let out a few choice words whenever I am in the middle of a quest step to get something super awesome that I'd like to have suddenly leads into forcing me to do stuff in PvP. I might be the only one that has issues with this, but my enjoyment just drops once I see that "oh, you gotta do PvP to finish that thingy you gotten halfway on". @Bungie - do you really need to bar everything awesome behind a PvP wall? I am doing the daily PvP stuff, do you REALLY need to force me to play something I don't like even more? FYI I can tell you that I'm not getting more fond of it the more I am playing it. There is super awesome gear locked to PvP exclusively so do you really need to have everything else awesome have to go through it as well? Chaperone, the exotic swords, the rank 5 gunsmith handcannon. I suppose I could chose not to do them naturally, but when just about every cool weapon is locked behind PvP that is really reducing my options of cool flashy stuff. I beg you Bungie, for the future - stop locking so much behind PvP all the time - Have PvP exclusive gear like Iron Banner and such, but stop making most of the items have to go through PvP. Makes me a sad lion =C All that negative stuff said, I have to say that I do thouroughly enjoy the changes to the Taken King and how some of the unique item quest like "Black Spindle" and "Sleeper Simulant" works. These kinda things I love, great work all around! Edit: Wooh! Big subject. Bigger then I thought. Having hard time reading everything coming inn. One player came with the suggestion of having two ways of unlocking items. One PvE and the other PvP. Then players could pick which to go for. I like that idea. I get that PvP'ers aren't happy having to do PvE, same as I'm not happy doing PvP. I know what I like, but as some have pointed out, I can't expect Bungie to cater only to me. Thanks for a lot of feedback, I'm going to have to mull this over for a bit.

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  • You all straight suck and have no pride. The way you react to a challenge is -blam!-ing pathetic.

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    4 Replies
    • [spoiler]the crucible is no place for mercy[/spoiler]

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    • Can honestly say that the PvP is garbage, the fact its allowed to exist in this broken state is just shameful of Bungie, but that they actually added quest without fixing it is just baffling levels of stupidity

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      • I also think it's a crock to force either pvp or pve to play a game mode they don't want to play. All items, or at least equivalent items, should be obtainable from either pve or pvp without forcing a cross over. This has been mentioned before. Bungie hasn't listened yet, I don't expect them to.

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        9 Replies
        • Edited by dissko: 10/10/2015 10:06:42 AM
          I tried to get a lot of crucible stuff done last week in mayhem because I actually have fun at that. Also this gos both ways alot of people don't like pve but still gotta do it.

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          1 Reply
          • To bad this won't ever happen. Bungie doesn't care about the community anymore.

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            1 Reply
            • I don't lik pve. Why should I do PVE to get the sleeper stimulant?

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              3 Replies
              • if they keep putting weapons in that require pvp steps i will just quit i hate it to

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              • See I think they should get rid of PvP so all the complainers can go back to playing COD, and leave the rest PvE so that way this game doesn't attract ass hats.

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                27 Replies
                • I loathe the pvp in this game ... Well really any game. I really like this game but I can't really find much fun playing against people that all they do is crucible. I play games to have fun and relax but getting shot by some tryhard through a wall or fist of panicked around a corner makes me unhappy. So I agree... Make it a choice during weapon quests to pvp [u]or[/u] pve

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                  2 Replies
                  • Edited by Corrick II: 10/10/2015 8:01:19 PM
                    I'm not a fan of how Bungie made PvP part of the PvE experience. It's nice to think PvP is an added element and having the Crucible be part of the lore sounds great on paper but at the end of the day it's still good old fashioned multiplayer, which for some people is a miserable experience filled with "git gud" tryhards and interminable matches that aren't actually fun. Locking content behind PvP requirements is basically telling the PvE-only player "Hey, you see this cool gun? Well f-ck you, you can't have it." What follows is a bunch of d-ckheads telling you that if you really want it you should "get better", which is like telling a penguin if they wanted to fly they should lose weight and grow bigger wings. Penguins are fine the way they are. And they deserve to have Thorn too.

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                    7 Replies
                    • This is such terd mentality. Players who prefer pvp have to go through pve activities to get stuff. It all seems balanced to me, nothing to complain about.

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                    • It's ok being a pve bitch nothing wrong with that

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                    • You're in the majority, I would imagine. I don't see how anyone could legitimately [i]like[/i] the crucible. It can be fun at times, but for the most part it's just a shitfest of unbalanced guns, weapons, supers, grenades, etc...

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                      • Check my medal score. Been here since day 1. Nobody doesn't do pvp better than me.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Edited by illuzian: 10/10/2015 8:37:54 AM
                          Totally agree, Destiny isn't really about the PvP anyway. I personally find the PvP frustrating, not only is latency hit and [mostly] miss, the fact that rng plays a significant part of how effective you can be with traits etc makes it even worse. I'd be happy if there were some PvP only weapons(not many, preferably only cosmetically different to something in PvE) but being forced to do PvP together with PvE for an unlock is a bad decision. Not everyone wants to play PvP, and in my opinion it's not that PvP is hard, I personally think it sucks, it's frustrating and it's also boring as hell.

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                          4 Replies
                          • Yes! #sepateratePvEandPvP

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                          • Even though I don't like pvp I don't mind some quest having pvp being part of them. Whether I complete them or not depends on the rewards for doing so. I completed the Thorn and Invictive exotic bounties because I really wanted those guns but I didn't really need either of them.

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                          • Edited by theePHATman: 10/10/2015 8:44:04 PM
                            I suggest that when you get a quest for a peice of gear you can choose a pve only quest line or pvp only quest line. So people won't have to play something they normally would have no intention of playing.

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                            7 Replies
                            • Don't play PVE, don't get PVE rewards. Don't play crucible, don't get crucible rewards. Pretty straightforward here. This game is multi-genre. We all knew that going in. Liking multi-player doesn't make you some bone-headed type CoD player. Multi-player has been around for decades (Goldeneye anyone?). Long before CoD. So stop stereotyping PVP players to make excuses for a game that isn't catered to one persons play-style (honestly I see more PVP players play PVE than PVE players play PVP). That said. Don't play PVP if you don't want to. Nothing in PVP is required for you to actually finish or enjoy PVE.

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                              3 Replies
                              • It's ok to not like something for the right reasons, but most people who don't like PvP feel that way simply because they're not good at it. When you have to cover up your own embarrassment on a video game by blaming the company, then that really just shows your own insecurity.

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                                • Eh, i hate pvp so missing out on those things doesnt bother me

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                                • Bungie's goal is to get people to play all the game. PvP is part of the game, so they want you to play it. The game is social, so they make you find others to play with.

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                                • So what you're saying is you shouldn't have to play all of the game to get everything the game has to offer? K.

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                                • The reason for pvp questing is to get you out of your comfort zone, it's to get you playing the things that you may find difficult. And if you're complaining saying you don't want difficult just leave now. Just remember bungie isn't doing this just to pick on you they are doing it because they know everyone doesn't like pvp so that will make the quest just a little more challenging.

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                                • It's a game. They can't cater to individuals who only prefer one aspect of the game. You may not care for the PVP side of things with this DLC and that's fine, but there's a lot of players that don't care for PVE and prefer to only play crucible. For most of year 1 those players were forced to play raids to get the raid armor, weapons and exotic drops.

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