Just had this kickass HMG drop for my Warlock last night but I was too tired to try it, I was pretty excited when this morning looking at it on Bungie.net.
Has anyone else had this drop?
Where does that drop!?!?!
Yes. Good for ogres in kings fall. Doesn't even need a full magazine to down them.
I had it drop but with no stability perks, infused it into sword. Good roll on yours though. With counterbalance I imagine it handles a lot better.
Damn that's a heavy hitter
Saber Strike. Got it yesterday. Its meh.
Dropped for my hunter last week. Feels exactly the same as the lmg you get from varriks for player PoE. Still a solid all around good heavy. Only one worth keeping as of right now besides a certain roll on the crucible lmg
Christ that roll!
I want it so bad
My bro has it. I just got the Maw tonite when I did my sleeper quest...he's wanted that more than anything lol