Just got the Twilight Garrison from an exotic Engram! I was told it couldn't happen. Well sure as shit did. Dropped 310 for me. It's a goofy looking chest but I'll take it!
Video good to go.
Gameplay Video: https://youtu.be/DgPLfqZuZkA
Video proof: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
it looks a little wonky doesn't it? I think I'll wait until Armamentarium 2 drops for me
Did it show up in the kiosk?
Why must people add terrible loud music to their videos. Just stop
Which boss did you get the exotic engram from?
They probably made it available tbh
I wonder if exotic engram drops from dreadnaught strikes in lieu of old content is back end coded to contain the new exotics exclusive to year 2. Only a theory because he said he did the darkblade strike.
I've gotten 11 crests from chest engrams. Literally now when I get an exotic chest I know it'll be a crest.
Is there anybway to continously run the exotic sword strike?
Your Titan looks fat. Good, but fat.
Edited by SECURATYYY: 10/9/2015 1:41:10 PMI'm about to farm dark blade.
Can you make gameplay of it and post it please?
Why did the dknhc(or whatever) guy post this vid w/out credit to you? Wtf?? hahaha
Congrats man. The drop rate is still stupidly low though........
You sounded really enthusiastic, congratulations :)
Good to know it's possible to get from an Engram, thanks!
I'm starting to hate this game. Every engram I get won't turn to 310 yes I'm over 300 and second every chest is a piece of crap alpha lupi. Played battlefront beta last night I now await November.17
Nice! How well does it work? Can't wait to see it in action when you are able to upload footage!
Awesome. Now get a helmet that doesn't look like crap and you'll be set.
Nice dude. Did it drop from a particular boss or show up at your postmaster?
Wow, congrats!! Now, if I could stop just getting exotic arm engrams which all turn into ruin wings (4 in a row).
why do none of the new exotics change colour? why would you fix the old ones and leave the new?
Bump for OP (fake thread going arround)
Now Titans have shadestep... But in air...
Wonder if anyone has thagomizers, shinobu's or the warlock gloves