Just got the Twilight Garrison from an exotic Engram! I was told it couldn't happen. Well sure as shit did. Dropped 310 for me. It's a goofy looking chest but I'll take it!
Video good to go.
Gameplay Video: https://youtu.be/DgPLfqZuZkA
Wait... so... there's a chance... there's a chance for me to get THE DUNEMARCHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need a gameplay video
where did you get the xotic armor engram from? who dropped it?
Bump once
Lol i wonder if warlocks get an evade too
Edited by ELPASODOLPHINS13: 10/9/2015 6:15:04 PMIs the evade good or is it pointless?
Anyone on Xbox have it? I wonder if arachnid and warlock Astrocyte helmet are in game at incredibly low rate. Haven't seen or read of one getting Astrocyte yet. Or boots for that matter. Almost think those that are getting garrison got the very few that were not taken out of tables, if Luke smith and the only Lupi interview is to be believed.
It makes me sad that it doesn't change color :(
MFW I see someone get a Twilight Garrison from and engram and realize there is still hope for us.
Exotic chest pieces are not dropping for me anymore... I'm losing hope that I'll ever get it.
There's a small link that I'm seeing now. Both you and the dragon hunter guy got the engrams from the bark blade strike. We should get more people to try out the strike multiple times with 3 of coins.
Edited by Noxic: 10/9/2015 10:34:49 AMWell color me jelly. Congrats brother! Edit: we're you over 300 light when you got it? Maybe that's the trick to some new exotics... 300+ and drop at 310 only....
Bump for Later pls
How is the exotic perk? I heard it gives Titans a taste of the other class's agility.
[quote]Well sure as shit did. Dropped 310 for me.[/quote] I dunno why but that made me lol
Congrats! Gotta say though that is the single ugliest exotic in the game lol
Notice that both owners are ps players! Not going to jump to conclusions but ps exclusive?
What time did you decrypt the engram
Not to be rude or anything but I've seen the first person already got this.
[url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ]I got one as well![/url]
Has anyone received this on xbox? It seems the only post about it have been on PS. Just curious if it's a hidden exclusive.
Didn't really enjoy the music with the video. However I upvote and thank you for actually giving us footage of you decoding it. So far these secret armors people had never posted proof of their claim. So thanks for taking the extra step. To me this means either luke smith lied about the armor not being in rotation. Or some bug currently exists allowing people to get these armor's early. If I had my own twitter i'd tweet this to luke smith and ask for him to explain. Until someone from bungie gives an official word i'm just going to assume it's possible to get from engrams and get as many exotic engrams as I can each time xur shows his face.
Video proof: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ